My name is Adam Schubert, I'm 18 years old from Tailem Bend South Australia and a year 12 graduate from Murray Bridge High School in 2023. I have experience in a few different areas of work which include experience in both trades and retail. For trades, I have done work experience and labour work in Air Conditioning & Refrigeration and Carpentry & Cabinet Making. In Retail, I have worked at Foodland as my first part time job and also for my family's Fodder & Gas business. Outside of work my hobbies include spending time outdoors such as camping, fishing, motorbike riding and playing all types of sports. I'm extremely motivated to take on my next chapter of life with work and obtaining a qualification in a trade for years to come.
Brenton Ahrns
Ahrns Carpentry & Cabinets
0418 157 041
Foodland (Tailem Bend)
8572 3866