I'm an experienced Remedial Massage therapist with in-depth knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and massage technique. I specialise in treating disability and chronic health conditions with a focus on improving and maintaining mobility and quality of life. I also specialise in chronic pain management, particularly neuropathy, having a deep understanding of the mechanisms and lifestyle influences involved. I prioritise client empowerment through education and self-help strategies; this is particularly useful for addressing the mental health impacts of these conditions.
I have a strong passion for health management and disability advocacy. My special interest lies with improving pain outcomes and understanding the many way in which our health services and lifestyles impact this. This has led me to seek a career as a researcher and i began my Bachelor of Biomedical Science in 2023. I began networking immediately which led me to opportunities to gain work experience in the field of pain research.
Previously i have worked in an assistance manager position where i fostered a culture of equality and appreciation. I ensured staff felt their contributions were both valued and meaningful, and collaborated daily as equals in a team. The feedback i received demonstrated they had improved self-esteem (compared to previous places of employment) and felt confident in their role to both perform their duties and contribute to the betterment of the company. I observed transparency, honesty and high effort in my staff. Complaints resolution is an area i excel in due to approaching each complaint with compassion and dignity, ensuring they feel heard and understood.
I have personal experience with high demand scheduling, multi-tasking, task prioritisation, time management and meeting deadlines through my self-employment running my massage business and juggling that with managing NDIS supports (self-managed funding) for my 2 children and attending uni part-time. Being a self-managed NDIS recipient for the past 7 years has enabled me to develop strong skills in disability advocacy, financial planning, resource and support acquisition, and to ensure deliverables and key milestones are met.