Bringing hardworking nature, clean driving record and solid work history in civil operating positions. Proficient in excavator operation, operating HC/HR trucks, as well as loading and securing loads. Well-organized and knowledgeable with 17 years of experience.
* Operating 30 ton, 22.5 ton, 13.5 ton, 4 ton and 1.5 ton excavators- included trenching, demolition, and bulk earthworks
* Float Operator of Multiple plant
* HC/HR Tipper Driver
* Skid Steer Operator
* Water Cart Operator
*Moxi Operator
*Pad Foot and Flat Drum Operator (no formal ticket)
Currently working on Enviropacific worksite at Brompton remediating highly contaminated land (including asbestos and tar) utilising high level PPE.
Worked for following companies as Casual HR Truck driver:
Robmac Tippers
Warren Harper Tippers
Mt Jagged Enterprises
SouthCoast Earthworx
Marlou Tippers