I am seeking casual or part-time employment with a company where I can use my experience in various customer service\Retail roles and skills to develop. I contribute positively in a team environment and excel working individually. I have self-confidence and leadership qualities which I use to encourage others to follow and support me. I use hard work, perseverance, and dedication to excel in working environments, proven in labour work , customer service and volunteering experience.
Mathew Rotolo
Para Hills High school
Math Teacher/ Year Level Co-ordinator
90 Beafield Road, Para hills West SA 5096
M: 0401402284
E: Mathew.Rotolo428@schools.sa.edu.au
Trudy surman
Para Hills High School
Dance Teacher/ Aboriginal Education Co-ordinator
90 Beafield Road, Para hills West SA 5096
M: 0418947160
E : Trudy.Surman987@schools.sa.edu.au
Christopher Turner
Assistance Factory Manger
1180 Old Port, Royal Park SA 5014
M: 04 413702012
E : Christopher.Turner@asurco.com