A hardworking person with a keen eye to detail when it comes to the well being and cleanliness of animals.
Constantly needing to gain knowledge and be the best I can possible be.
Aiding the young equestrians in their knowledge of the horse world. Including injuries knowledge and anatomy, Tack knowledge and safety when around and on horses; With my own horses and the organisations owned
It was an extremely rewarding job as I watched the young people evolve through my time there
Helping with riding lessons in the arena and also riding myself keeping the school ponies fit and healthy
I gained many strength skills as well as building relationships with those I worked with and around
Duties included:
•wellness checks on horses and understanding how to treat any injuries presented
•leading horses ranging from size, age and energy levels.
• understanding and practicing basic safety with horses and humans
•tacking and exercising horses
•feeding and haying each horse and giving correct supplements and medications
Working at Catalina stud has been an amazing opportunity for me to better my knowledge on the further medical side of the equine world, through Aiding Veterinarians with the reproduction of a variety of horses.
• Artificial Inseminations and transferring embryos into recipient mares
• keeping check on the welfare of all of the horses, client and company owned,
• having the knowledge of how to
Treat and care for injuries presented
• trusted upon the preparation anmd Administering of medications that have been prescribed by veterinarians. Lots of which including intravenous and inter muscle injections.
Aswell as a medical gain, I also have been able to better my strength with horses of all ages and sizes
Other duties have included:
•prepping pregnant mares for their new homes, trimming manes and tails, cleaning their coats.
Taylor Hansen - Catalina stud
Please contact :
Aswell ,
- Tallara Cameron at Redleaf Lodge
Telephone : 0/410529213