I am an enthusiastic, outgoing and compassionate veterinary nurse proficient at building positive relationships within a work team as well as with new and existing clients by offering superior customer service. I am comfortable with handling animals of all species and am committed to the well-being of these animals and the peace of mind of their owners. I have the Willingness to learn and always further my education whether this is by taking courses, learning the latest techniques or the use of new monitoring equipment. Special skills include handling, feeding, medicating and monitoring exotic animals. I am kind and attentive and believe in preventing and alleviating fear, anxiety, and stress in all animals which is why i have completed my first year of the Fear Free Veterinary Certification Program
Dr Katrina Wood
BSc BVMS DVetMedSci (Zoo and Wildlife Med)
Lecturer in Conservation and Wildlife Medicine at Murdoch University
Veterinarian at Perth Zoo
Veterinarian at The Unusual Pet Vets Osborne Park
0400 027 930
Email : Katrina.wood@murdoch.edu.au
Dr Shonagh O'Sullivan
BVM&S BSc (Neuroscience) MSc (Marine Biology)
Veterinarian at The Unusual Pet Vets Osborne Park
0477 826 237