Highly skilled, great communicator, team leader, customer service focus, quick learner, committed, efficient time management, energetic, seeks growth in retail, food processing, or Admin/HR, pursues online courses, open to training in Melbourne.
Farmsafe – Rural Risk Management courses Telford Certificate in Rural Health & Safety,
2006 TOSHA (Balance Agri nutrients) Health & Safety Representative Training, 2days,
2005 Purchasing Control Workshop, 2005 Fire Safety Training & Management Services, Australia,
2001 Confined Spaces Entry (theory), Casualty Management and Basic Fire Fighting/Emergency Management National Union of Workers,
2001 & 2002 Basic Health & Safety; Introduction to Union Representation; Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace
2023 Linkedin online Courses:
Becoming the Manager your team wants
Being an effective team member
Leadership skills for the future
Managing misconduct in the workplace
Managing a customer service team
Phone based customer service
Strategic human resources
The 10 pillars of customer experience
Occupational Health and Safety-Hazzard communication
Available on request
Attained Australian Security Intelligence Office security clearance to hold highly responsible security roles.
First woman appointed to high-rise housing security position with Ministry of Housing in Melbourne (based on Community Guardian Program in USA)
Achieved cost savings of approximately $20,000 (double the initial estimate) team leader of very successful Continuous Improvement Team (CIT) at Kraft Foods
Reduced long term injuries by significant levels while undertaking position of safety officer for two areas of Kraft plant.
Successful outcomes in security, continuous improvement, health and safety, staff training and administration activities
Successfully researched, produced and hosted a weekly two-hour radio show covering human interest and community-based topics (i.e.: suicide, rape, emergency management, drugs keeping our kids safe to name a few)
Introduced polystyrene recycling program for Invercargill Mitre ten mega.
Management, Administration, Retail and Stores
§ Purchasing items for engineering maintenance store
§ Controlling inventory, including stocktaking, merchandising, stock ordering
§ HR, accounts, payroll, GST, Health & safety, Rosters
§ Liaising and price negotiation with suppliers
§ Owner, Managing and operating country supermarket.
§ Word-processing, data entry, internet and email use
§ Team leader, Office manger
§ Team council, H&S committee and sustainability champion at Mitre 10 mega Invercargill
§ Customer Service, Time management, Retail assistant, Workplace communications office
Security Work and Supervision
§ Undertaking general security officer and airport airside safety officer duties Melbourne Airport
§ Workplace Fire and Disaster Team
§ Controlling access to buildings / sites, making foot patrols and armed escort of cash and payroll
§ Providing elite and other social function and event security including masters golf tournaments
§ Completing personal protection assignments including VIP body-guarding
§ Processing server warrants and summons
§ Undertaking retail security and loss prevention duties
§ Ticketing and baggage checking in airport high security areas.
§ Static guarding, airside safety, traffic control and issue of infringement notices
§ Security Supervisor role at the Commonwealth Ministerial Office, Melbourne
§ Conducting onsite training for security operatives and organizing weekly work rosters
§ Liaising with Government and Police officials on all security matters
§ Implementing procedures to ensure personal safety of all Commonwealth Senators, Ministers and staff.
§ Attending Ministry of Housing domestic, social and security calls
§ Providing conflict intervention and dispute resolution between estate tenants and the public
Process Operation / Team Leadership – Continuous Improvement and Workplace Safety
§ Leading Continuous Improvement (CIT) Team at Kraft Foods
§ Developing initiatives to decrease consumer complaints for a range of products.
§ Undertaking safety officer role for two areas of large food-producing plant (Kraft Foods Ltd)
§ Implementing safety training initiatives that reduced long term injuries.
§ Conducting regular safety audits, hazard identification and accident investigations
§ Undertaking workplace training assessment against competency criteria
§ Updating and creating new workplace training procedure documents
§ Working as Equity Communications Officer for equity, harassment and discrimination issues
§ Organizing plant-wide activities, competitions and displays for National Safety Week 2003 (Kraft Foods)
Farmsafe – Rural Risk Management courses Telford Certificate in Rural Health & Safety,
2006 TOSHA (Balance Agri nutrients) Health & Safety Representative Training, 2days,
2005 Purchasing Control Workshop, 2005 Fire Safety Training & Management Services, Australia,
2001 Confined Spaces Entry (theory), Casualty Management and Basic Fire Fighting/Emergency Management National Union of Workers,
2001 & 2002 Basic Health & Safety; Introduction to Union Representation; Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace
2023 Linkedin online Courses:
Becoming the Manager your team wants
Being an effective team member
Leadership skills for the future
Managing misconduct in the workplace
Managing a customer service team
Phone based customer service
Strategic human resources
The 10 pillars of customer experience
Occupational Health and Safety-Hazzard communication