Hardworking and enthusiastic student and have recently obtained a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Anthropology and Sociology. Seeking to use the knowledge of anthropology and sociology and other aspects of disciplines I've done such as gender studies and politics along with advanced communication skills and ability to quickly learn new concepts. I find knowledge and education invaluable and adding and extending my knowledge in the academic field is an invigorating prospect for me.
Perth, Western Australia, 0423291995, milasnyman29@gmail.com
Anthropology and Sociology Club, UWA, Perth, Western Australia, 04/01/23, 11/01/23, Attending fortnightly meet-ups and supporting the start-up of the club on campus. Help manage social media platforms to inform others of club proceedings and events. Unfortunately, due to the COVID pandemic, I have not been able to participate in many other clubs offered on campus or do many volunteering opportunities. Western Australia Philharmonic Orchestra, WACO, Perth, Western Australia, 01/01/18, Present, Formally known as the Western Australian Charity Orchestra, I've been playing the cello in the ensemble as I am passionate about classical music. Knowing the proceeds of concerts go to charities makes it even more impactful and meaningful.