Highly-motivated employee who is passionate about my felid and willing to learn more everyday and take on new tasks. I am currently prioritising studing food science and nutrition at curtin university.
I am currently apart of the CERES project. Working with DEIMOS to create an AI machine that can sample visual defects on grains and cereals. My role involves classifying and verifying seed/grains and defects to provide data. I am also involved in giving feed back on the operation and engineering of the machine. I am currently also involved with the first role out of these machines at two sites, one in my area. These sites are sampled only by DEIMOS machines and I am involved by holding spares and helping maintain the machines and assist with keeping this site operational as this is a first for CBH.
Employed as a harvest casual auditing samplers to ensure quality across multiple receival sites(5-8 depending on year), Running Lake Grace Audit Room. This role involves: