To obtain a position within a progressive company. Would like to contribute knowledge and experience to achieve outcomes for both myself and the company. Willing to give any job a try and 100% best work performance,hard-working and very reliable,safety-oriented,knowledgeable about proper handling of heavy machinery, pallet jacks and forklifts & machinery. Works well independently and as part of team with work history of good performance in fast-paced production environments. Previous Team Leader/line coordinator rolls taken on in such a short period of time experienced in directing activities of workgroup's. Develops strategies, provides training, sets goals and obtains team feedback. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Big picture focus with excellence in communicating goals and vision to succeed. Problem solver.
Forklift operator
Load van/truck of a morning with 100+ tubs of frozen chickens
General housekeeping abilities
Employee Training
Team Management
Strong Work Ethic
Attention to Detail
Workplace Safety
Machinery Operations
Power and hand tools
Forklift and Pallet Jack Operation
Production Monitoring