Reliable and upbeat retailer, successful at promoting customer loyalty, satisfaction and purchases with consultative techniques and diligent attention to individual needs. Knowledgeable about product merchandising, payment processing and cleaning. Dedicated and dependable relationship-builder with excellent organizational strengths and superior work ethic.
In addition to my numerous years in retail, I also have over 250 hours in farm work, completing various tasks from lifting heavy equipment to understanding and using advanced equipment an technology. Furthermore, not only did this enhancing my general knowledge with hands-on work, but this also allowed me to experience work outside of my comfort zone, further emphasising my flexibility within the workplace.
have played since I could walk, participating at a high level in England's non-league and Australia's National Premier League. Leading and orchestrating my team from defence, I use both encouragement and criticism to not only get the best out of them but to also hold them accountable. I find not only my attitude and personality in football, but football itself, often reflects onto other aspects of my life, where I use similar strategies in football to work optimally at work and help those around me do the same.