Dedicated and compassionate nurse with a strong focus on effective communication and problem-solving abilities gained from experience working with neonates and their families. Remains calm and level-headed in high-stress situations. Possesses a strong willingness to learn and is eager to take on new challenges and objectives with unwavering dedication and enthusiasm. Positive attitude, combined with a smart and hardworking approach, brings joy and laughter to the workplace.
Discharge Coordinator for Special Care Nursery and Intensive Care Nursery
Clinical Nurse
Special Care Nursery
- Included Team Leading, Portfolio work and Preceptorship responsibilities
Intensive Care Nursery
- Included Team Leading, Portfolio work, Preceptorship and Neonatal Retrieval responsibilities
Acting Clinical Nurse Consultant – May 2010 (full time - annual leave cover)
Special Care Nursery
2009 Case Study Presentation on Neonatal Palliative Care
Grantley Stable Neonatal Unit Seminar
2008 Poster Presentation – Initiation of Discharge Coordinator Role in the Grantley Stable Neonatal unit
(Also presented at the 2009 Neonatal Nurses Association Seminar – Darwin)
2008 Quarry Award – Highly Commended
Initiation and Impact of the Discharge Coordinator Role within the Grantley Stable Neonatal Unit
2002 Doctor Ian Locke Memorial Award
Clinical Proficiency in the Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
Director of Nursing Academic Award
Academic Achievements in the Graduate Diploma of Midwifery