Work History

Belinda Smith



An experienced office all-rounder who is able to adeptly keep track of information relevant to multiple programs and operational actions. Having diverse experience in the Education, Agricultural and Environmental not-for-profit sectors.


years of professional experience

Work History

Garden centre sales and purchasing – Acting manager

Mitre 10 Garden Centre - Manjimup
08.2018 - Current
  • Processing Goods inwards picking slips and converting them to invoice receipts
  • Ensuring delivery dockets are noted on invoices to enable cost tracking and allocation
  • Manage Garden Centre Facebook and Instagram accounts

School Gardener - relief

East Manjimup Primary School
12.2017 - Current
  • Attended Waste Sorted grants application workshop via TEAMS
  • Obtained pricing for various items to submit a Waste Sorted grant application
  • Sought quotes for replacement equipment
  • Used an Excel spreadsheet to compare products to ensure that they complied with the required product specifications

Education Assistant Mainstream

East Manjimup Primary School
04.2022 - 12.2023
  • Developed classroom resources as required by teacher ensuring age and language appropriate displays were used, where necessary producing student specific items in the case of special needs students
  • Created a visual map for students to follow during activity sessions to ensure that their tasks were completed in the correct order using the correct equipment
  • Kept record of relevant student achievement to ensure areas requiring further attention could be worked on
  • Applied for and attained money for a sensory path in school playground

School Gardener

Kearnan College
08.2020 - 05.2022
  • Set up containers for change program at school linking it to a faction-based recycling competition. The competition was tracked on an Excel spreadsheet on my phone

Burn! and Konga dance fitness instructor

07.2016 - 06.2020
  • Obtained my Jungle Body instructors qualifications via Vimeo creating content and uploading for assessment
  • Instructed fitness classes tailoring to suit all participants abilities and physical capabilities
  • Use Onenote notebooks to keep track of routine notes clips and images
  • Created Excel spreadsheet to track class enrolments and payment
  • Created class playlists in Google Play in keeping with monthly releases of new tracks
  • Explored different options to instruct classes using options such as Vimeo, BlueJeans, Skype and Zoom during the COVID 19 lockdown periods
  • Used Zoom to present and record classes while maintaining minimal cost outputs
  • Ensured insurance and music use registrations were paid and first aid training current

Library Officer - 0.4

Braeside Primary School
10.2016 - 12.2017
  • Maintain clear task direction documents so staff and students can complete basic library tasks
  • Use administrator rights to set class lists, levels and teacher assignment, add and remove participants in various reading programs
  • Procuring licenses for online learning programs
  • Successfully run Book Fairs including competitions to enhance engagement

School Officer - Casual

Braeside Primary School
10.2016 - 12.2017
  • Compile school newsletter
  • Create class lists and check lists in Integris and print for teacher use
  • Arrange catering for in school staff training

Farm Supplies Sales & Livestock Production Rep

Elders Rural Services
01.2012 - 12.2016
  • Train new members of staff in day-to-day branch operations
  • OHS & First Aid officer
  • Maintain register of S7 goods purchased and sold
  • Reconciliation of leased assets – CHEP – via SAP portal
  • Asset transfer and returns - CHEP
  • Control document retention and disposal
  • Started and maintained the branch Facebook site
  • Arrange freighting of goods to other branches, clients or suppliers
  • Arrange client information days and client functions including catering, relevant product displays and all relevant IT equipment available for guest presenters
  • Hold Licences and certificates for: S7 poisons, forklift, store AgSafe accreditation, personal AgSafe accreditation and Senior first aid
  • Computer software used: AS400, SAP, Web SMS, Store Manifest, BBS, Excel, Publisher, Google Chrome, Adobe and various on-line portals

Finance and Administration Coordinator

Gillamii Center
01.2007 - 07.2009
  • Supply of all financial reports and other documentation for quarterly management meetings
  • Minute taking at quarterly and other incidental meetings
  • Maintaining data base of various catchments farms and their relevant contacts
  • Collate tree orders, payment and delivery to various groups and individuals
  • Advertising of positions vacant
  • Collation of applications for committee assessment
  • Maintain personnel files
  • Maintain personnel performance records
  • Update JDFs as required
  • Arrange housing for employees
  • Arrange and supervise employment of casual staff for specific short-term duties
  • Maintain lease agreements for vehicles
  • Maintain asset register and arrange disposal of obsolete items
  • Liaise with various levels of government on funding
  • Collate 'Gillamii Gossip' newsletter and distribute to our members and other stakeholders
  • Arrange community information events
  • Organise staff and committee functions
  • Administration of funds provided by various funding groups
  • Financial acquittal of grants
  • Responsible for all financial duties required by the Centre, banking, bank reconciliations, invoicing, payment of monthly accounts
  • Provision of financial records for annual auditing
  • Wages and associated employer duties
  • Submission of quarterly BAS for multiple entities using Quickbooks
  • Computer software used: Quickbooks, MS office suite

Office Clerk / Sales

Stirling Bulk Distributors
01.2002 - 10.2003
  • Handle all incoming calls and assess for further action by line managers
  • Compile quotes for clients
  • Process all creditors up to and including payment both electronically and by cheque
  • Collate time sheets for wages and issue group certificates
  • Maintain computers with regular updates and basic maintenance
  • Back up of computer records
  • Maintain Safety Data sheets
  • Mail inwards and outwards
  • Computer software used: MYOB, Word, Excel, Publisher, Express and Internet Explorer

Administration Officer

Pacific Seeds – Ord River Farm Project
03.1999 - 10.2001
  • Process all creditors accounts up to payment stage
  • Pay accounts by company credit card
  • Collate wages (up to 70 casual workers in peak season)
  • Processing of purchase order books
  • Adjust Year End Estimate in farm and agronomy budgets
  • Collation of expenditure details for future budget projections
  • Collation of individual crop growing costs
  • Tracking of contract crop costs
  • End of month journals, accruals and stock take collation
  • Liaise with creditors regarding payment times and product orders
  • Organise interstate travel for self and other members of staff
  • Update Material Data Safety sheets in accordance with OHS requirements
  • Upkeep of all office, canteen and first aid supplies
  • Organise staff housing as required
  • Organise staff training as required
  • Undertook the ATO training for implementation of GST
  • Crop photography
  • General computer upkeep including updates of software and solving networking and printer problems
  • Computer software used: Word, Excel, Outlook, Internet explorer, Access, Power point, PC Anywhere, Auto Sketch 3, Adept, Photoshop and WinZip


Certificate III - CHC30221

School Based Education Support

Certificate III - Wholesale SIR30307

TAFE Albany WA


    Verbal and written communication

    Group Instruction

    Problem-solving abilities

    Compliance Awareness


  • Training as a fitness instructor using web based training and certification processes. Reprising these skills during COVID to create a community online enabling all involved to experience enjoyable social and fitness enhancing interactions.
  • During my time with Pacific Seeds I had occasion to organise a four-day conference for 26 people. This included interstate flights and accommodation for most of the attendees, tours of the Ord Valley Irrigation area, 2 evenings of entertainment and a formal dinner.


Ian Orr

Store Manager

Retravision/ Mitre 10

0408 947 264

Bianca Prosser

Deputy Principal

East Manjimup Primary School

0439 444 398

Heidi Tempra

Head of Secondary,

Kearnan College

0407 193 761

Mick Walsh

Fmr Chair Gilamii Management

Committee Cranbrook, WA

0407 261 034


Education Assistant Mainstream

East Manjimup Primary School
04.2022 - 12.2023

School Gardener

Kearnan College
08.2020 - 05.2022

Garden centre sales and purchasing – Acting manager

Mitre 10 Garden Centre - Manjimup
08.2018 - Current

School Gardener - relief

East Manjimup Primary School
12.2017 - Current

Library Officer - 0.4

Braeside Primary School
10.2016 - 12.2017

School Officer - Casual

Braeside Primary School
10.2016 - 12.2017

Burn! and Konga dance fitness instructor

07.2016 - 06.2020

Farm Supplies Sales & Livestock Production Rep

Elders Rural Services
01.2012 - 12.2016

Finance and Administration Coordinator

Gillamii Center
01.2007 - 07.2009

Office Clerk / Sales

Stirling Bulk Distributors
01.2002 - 10.2003

Administration Officer

Pacific Seeds – Ord River Farm Project
03.1999 - 10.2001

Certificate III - CHC30221

School Based Education Support

Certificate III - Wholesale SIR30307

TAFE Albany WA
Belinda Smith