Work History
Academic Qualifications
Employment Timeline
Participation As Resource Person
Participation In Conferences And Training Workshops
Membership In Professional Organizations
Non Related Referees
Given Names
Hobbies and Interests

Bhumini Janani Karunarathna

Lismore Heights


Equipped with strong problem-solving abilities, willingness to learn, and excellent communication skills. Poised to contribute to team success and achieve positive results. Ready to tackle new challenges and advance organizational objectives with dedication and enthusiasm.


years of professional experience

Work History

Medical Officer

Directorate of Youth, Elderly and Disabled Persons, Ministry of Health
01.2022 - 12.2024
  • Worked at the national focal point for the provision of care for elderly, persons with disabilities and young persons
  • Involved in national and sub-national level program planning and implementation related to elderly, persons with disabilities and young persons
  • Contributed to guideline developments and policy revisions related to elderly, persons with disabilities and young persons
  • Actively involved in the implementation of Integrated Care Delivery Model for older persons at the Primary Health Care setting
  • Actively involved in planning and implementation of several community-based activities bridging youth, elderly and persons with disabilities improving their social inclusion
  • Collaborated with a variety of stakeholders at different levels including government, non-government, health, non-health professionals, national and international donor agencies, community-based organizations and community
  • Participated in several national and international conferences on Public Health
  • Acted as the Principal Investigator for a large community-based survey among older persons, involving in data collection, data analysis and thesis writing
  • Actively involved in service-based need assessment surveys both quantitative and qualitative in nature

Additional Medical Officer of Health

Padukka Medical Officer of Health area
07.2021 - 01.2022
  • Acted as the middle level health manager of the Medical Officer of Health area that accounted for around 60000 population
  • Actively involved in the pandemic response towards COVID 19 pandemic and successfully controlled COVID 19 in the area as teamwork
  • Actively involved in conducting other community-based Public Health related activities related to Maternal and Child Health, communicable diseases, Elderly Health, environmental and occupational health, and health promotion activities of the area
  • Analyzed real time data during the pandemic situation and used them to take evidence-based decisions to control the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Was a member of the divisional development committee and collaborated with multiple health, non-health, government, and non-government stakeholders in the area

Medical Officer

Office of Additional Secretary training and Research, Ministry of Health
03.2020 - 07.2020
  • Actively involved in planning and implementation of national level research and training programmes for the healthcare workers

Medical Officer In Charge

Primary Medical Care Unit, Thummodara
11.2017 - 01.2019
  • Acted as the primary level health care manager that accounted for around 5000 population of both rural and estate sectors
  • Provided both curative and preventive care for the population of different age groups from neonates to elders
  • Conducted specialized satellite clinics for older persons in the area that included screening, follow-up, and preparation of specific individual care plans
  • Conducted several health promotion and disease prevention activities including NCD screening programmes, and awareness on natural disasters such as landslides
  • Collaborated with multiple stakeholders such as local authorities, professionals, religious leaders and community in conducting these activities

Relief House Officer in Otolaryngology and Medicine

Sri Jayawardenepura General Hospital
11.2016 - 11.2017
  • Clinics, theatre and on call ward duties at Otolaryngology and Medical units

House Officer in Surgery and Medicine

Sri Jayawardenepura General Hospital
11.2015 - 11.2016
  • First on call ward duties, clinic and theatre duties at Surgical and Medical units


Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardenepura
01.2015 - 11.2015
  • Actively involved in scheduling lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions for the undergraduate medical, nursing, and pharmacy students
  • Conducted lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions for the undergraduate medical, nursing, and pharmacy students
  • Actively involved in lab work and related research activities conducted by the Department of Microbiology
  • Developed online learning materials for the healthcare students of KAATSU International University


MD - Community Medicine

Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo

MSc - Community Medicine

Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo

Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery -

University of Sri Jayawardenepura

GCE A/L - Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Devi Balika Vidyalaya
Colombo, 08


Devi Balika Vidyalaya
Colombo, 08


  • Public health policy development
  • Collaborative team work
  • Public health planning
  • Data analysis competency
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Professional writing
  • Excellent team leadership
  • Computer Literacy Competence


    Contributed as a resource person for the development and revision of national level policies and guidelines

    Successfully completed international training programs on aged care and social inclusion of persons with disabilities

    Successfully completed different community-based and service-based research projects

    Was a trainer of medical and nursing officers during different training programs related to aged care and persons with disabilities


I hereby certify that the above information is true & correct to the best of my knowledge.

Academic Qualifications

MD in Community Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, 11/01/20, Present, Part I and Part II examinations completed. Expecting results of final examination., MSc in Community Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, 01/01/19, 03/01/20, Pass, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, 01/01/09, 12/31/15, Final MBBS- 2nd Class Upper Division, 2nd MBBS- 2nd Class Upper Division, 1st MBBS - Pass, GCE A/L, Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo 08, 2008, A, A, A, GCE O/L, Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo 08, 2005, 10 A passes

Employment Timeline

  • Medical Officer, Directorate of Youth, Elderly and Disabled Persons, Ministry of Health, 01/01/22, 12/31/24, Worked at the national focal point for the provision of care for elderly, persons with disabilities and young persons, Involved in national and sub-national level program planning and implementation related to elderly, persons with disabilities and young persons, Contributed to guideline developments and policy revisions related to elderly, persons with disabilities and young persons, Actively involved in the implementation of Integrated Care Delivery Model for older persons at the Primary Health Care setting., Actively involved in planning and implementation of several community-based activities bridging youth, elderly and persons with disabilities improving their social inclusion, Collaborated with a variety of stakeholders at different levels including government, non-government, health, non-health professionals, national and international donor agencies, community-based organizations and community, Participated in several national and international conferences on Public Health, Acted as the Principal Investigator for a large community-based survey among older persons, involving in data collection, data analysis and thesis writing, Actively involved in service-based need assessment surveys both quantitative and qualitative in nature
  • Additional Medical Officer of Health, Padukka Medical Officer of Health area, 07/01/21, 01/31/22, Acted as the middle level health manager of the Medical Officer of Health area that accounted for around 60000 population, Actively involved in the pandemic response towards COVID 19 pandemic and successfully controlled COVID 19 in the area as teamwork, Actively involved in conducting other community-based Public Health related activities related to Maternal and Child Health, communicable diseases, Elderly Health, environmental and occupational health, and health promotion activities of the area, Analyzed real time data during the pandemic situation and used them to take evidence-based decisions to control the COVID-19 pandemic, Was a member of the divisional development committee and collaborated with multiple health, non-health, government, and non-government stakeholders in the area
  • Medical Officer, Office of Additional Secretary training and Research, Ministry of Health, 03/01/20, 07/31/20, Actively involved in planning and implementation of national level research and training programmes for the healthcare workers
  • Medical Officer In Charge, Primary Medical Care Unit, Thummodara, 11/01/17, 01/31/19, Acted as the primary level health care manager that accounted for around 5000 population of both rural and estate sectors, Provided both curative and preventive care for the population of different age groups from neonates to elders, Conducted specialized satellite clinics for older persons in the area that included screening, follow-up, and preparation of specific individual care plans, Conducted several health promotion and disease prevention activities including NCD screening programmes, and awareness on natural disasters such as landslides, Collaborated with multiple stakeholders such as local authorities, professionals, religious leaders and community in conducting these activities
  • Relief House Officer, Otolaryngology and Medicine at Sri Jayawardenepura General Hospital, 11/01/16, 11/30/17, Clinics, theatre and on call ward duties at Otolaryngology and Medical units
  • House Officer, Surgery and Medicine at Sri Jayawardenepura General Hospital, 11/01/15, 11/30/16, First on call ward duties, clinic and theatre duties at Surgical and Medical units
  • Demonstrator, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, 01/01/15, 11/30/15, Actively involved in scheduling lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions for the undergraduate medical, nursing, and pharmacy students, Conducted lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions for the undergraduate medical, nursing, and pharmacy students, Actively involved in lab work and related research activities conducted by the Department of Microbiology, Developed online learning materials for the healthcare students of KAATSU International University

Participation As Resource Person

  • Contributed as a resource person for the revision and finalization of the National Rehabilitation Health Guidelines for Sri Lanka
  • Contributed as a resource person for the revision of Elderly Health Policy in Sri Lanka
  • Actively participated in the activities related to implementation of Elderly and Disability policies in Sri Lanka, in close collaboration with the Department of Social Services, National Secretariat for Elders, National Secretariat for Persons with Disabilities, Non-governmental organizations, local authorities, and other community-based organizations
  • Contributed as a resource person for the development of Integrated Elderly Care Delivery Model in Sri Lanka
  • Contributed as resource person/ trainer for the implementation of Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) in Sri Lanka and to implement ICOPE at the Primary Health Care Settings in Sri Lanka
  • Contributed as a resource person at the community-based youth sensitization on health ageing
  • Contributed as a resource person in the implementation of activities related to Elderly safety according to the Multi sectoral strategic Action Plan on Injury Prevention and Management Sri Lanka 2021-2025 and for the development of home safety checklist for Elders
  • Contributed as a resource person for developing and finalizing the National Strategic Plan on Integrated Eye Care in Sri Lanka 2023-2030
  • Contributed as a resource person at the mass media advocacy sessions on healthy ageing, injury prevention, prevention of elder abuse and caring of caregivers
  • Contributed as a resource person for the training of caregivers at the community-based settings
  • Conducted lectures on Elderly Care in Sri Lanka, Elderly Abuse, Caregiver Wellbeing and Communication with elders for the Public Health Nursing Officer trainees for their Elderly Care module
  • Conducted a lecture discussion on 'Women Empowerment and Health Promotion' at the celebration of International Women's Day 2023 on 03/10/23 at Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management
  • Conducted a lecture discussion for the teacher trainees on the 'Prevention and Management of Diabetes Mellitus' in accordance with the World Diabetes Day at the Teachers Training College Maharagama on 11/14/22
  • Participated in the MOH supervision program organized by the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, Provincial Directorate of Health-Western Province and WHO on 12/08/22- Supervision of Padukka MOH office
  • Member of the Divisional Development Committee that actively involved in all the activities pertaining to the prevention and control of COVID 19 in the Padukka MOH area in 2021
  • Worked as a Junior Working Group Member of the study 'Improve access to Assistive Products for the persons with disabilities to finalize the list of Assistive Products in Sri Lanka' conducted by the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka - 12/01/20
  • Was a member of the E-learning material development team to develop E-learning materials for BSc (Hons) Medical Science in KAATSU degree program at KAATSU International University - 07/20

Participation In Conferences And Training Workshops

16th Global Conference on Ageing organized by IFA, Bangkok, Thailand, 06/29/23, Delivered a Presentation on 'Implementation of ICOPE in Sri Lanka' at ICOPE symposium by WHO SEARO, JICA training program on 'SOCIAL PARTICIPATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES THROUGH A COMMUNITY BASED INCLUSIVE APPROACH (B)', 11/01/22, 12/13/22, JICA training program on 'POLICIES AND ACTIONS RESPONDING TO AGING CHALLENGES', 10/03/22, 10/28/22, International webinar on 'Elder Abuse Issues and Responses', 06/15/22, International webinar on 'Rights Based Approach Towards Older People', 03/01/22, World Health Organization online training course on 'Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage', 02/01/21, 2nd International Conference on Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 2020 (Silver Age 2020), 12/01/20, Workshop for the master training on the household survey using the WHO rapid Assistive Technology Assessment (rATA), 11/01/20, 133rd Anniversary International Virtual Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 07/01/20, 1st South-East Asia Regional Group Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association, Colombo, 09/01/19, Global Health Diplomacy training for Sri Lanka Health professionals, 04/19/23, 04/21/23, Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Training workshop on 'Qualitative Research', 02/15/23, 02/18/23, Non-Communicable Diseases unit, Ministry of Health, Workshop on 'Project proposal writing for the internationally funded activities', 12/05/22, 12/06/22, Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, eRHMIS data analysis Online Course on eBridge platform, Acquired necessary knowledge and skills pertaining to the analysis of Maternal and Child Health related data in Sri Lanka, Critical appraisal of the article titled 'Need for support among healthcare professionals during the COVID 19 pandemic: a qualitative study at an academic hospital in the Netherlands', 03/22/22, Journal Clubs conducted by College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 02/01/22, 26th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 07/01/21, 'Silver Jubilee' Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 09/01/20, Joint Regional Meeting conducted by the Sri Lanka Medical Association in collaboration with the Awissawella Clinical Society, Clinical Immunology Update 2015 of the UK-Sri Lanka Immunology Foundation in Collaboration with Ceylon College of Physicians, 09/01/15, Good Intern Training Program, 2015

Membership In Professional Organizations

  • Sri Lanka Association of Geriatric Medicine, Life member, 2022
  • College of Community Physicians Sri Lanka, Life Member, 2020
  • Sri Lanka Medical Association, Life Member, 2020
  • Sri Lanka Medical Council, Full Member, 2016
  • Government Medical Officers' Association, Life Member, 2015

Non Related Referees

Available on request

Given Names

Bhumini Janani


  • Application of Assistive Technologies for Ensuring Universal Health Coverage for People with Disabilities in Sri Lanka: Priority Assistive Products List for Sri Lanka, Contributed for this publication developed by the Directorate of Youth, Elderly and Disabled Persons, Ministry of Health Sri Lanka
  • Handbook on COVID-19 Pandemic and Older Persons: Narratives and Issues from India and Beyond 2023, Contributed as an author for the chapter on 'Challenges and Lessons Learnt Among Older People During the COVID 19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka'
  • Integrated Care for Older People at Primary Health Care Level, Contributed for this trainer manual adaptation for Sri Lanka by the Directorate of Youth, Elderly and Disabled Persons, Ministry of Health Sri Lanka
  • Progress report on the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing, 2021-2023, Contributed for the Case Study published on 'Integrated Care for Older People in Sri Lanka'
  • The Proposed Exit Strategy for the Lockdown of the COVID 19 third wave in Sri Lanka by Sri Lanka Medical Association and College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, Technical report published in 2021
  • Clinical Presentation of COVID-19 and public health implications to Sri Lanka, Technical report published in JCCPSL Special Edition- 08/01/20
  • COVID-19: the first coronavirus pandemic, Technical report published in JCCPSL Special Edition - 08/01/20
  • Where did COVID come from? Does it matter?, Technical report published in JCCPSL Special Edition- 08/01/20
  • CFR of COVID-19: a comparison among different countries, Technical report published in JCCPSL Special Edition- 08/01/20
  • Effects of comorbidities on COVID-19, Technical report published in JCCPSL Special Edition- 08/01/20
  • COVID-19 pandemic versus 'infodemic': the lesser evil, Technical report published in JCCPSL Special Edition- 08/01/20
  • Innovations to combat COVID-19, Narrative report published in JCCPSL Special Edition- 08/01/20
  • Government Medical Officers 'Association's proposed COVID-19 Exit Strategy for Sri Lanka-Narrative report published in JCCPSL-08/01/20

Hobbies and Interests

  • Reading Sinhala and English novels
  • Listening to Hindi Songs
  • Watching movies
  • Playing with my daughter
  • Gardening


  • E-Health Literacy, its associated factors, facilitators and perceived barriers in retrieving health related information online and development of an E-Health intervention package for reducing cardiovascular disease risk among older persons aged 60 years and above living in Colombo District, Sri Lanka, Thesis of the MD Community Medicine course-2023-2024 (First author)
  • Addressing the health care needs of prevention of COVID-19 among vulnerable populations in Sri Lanka, Service-based need assessment survey conducted among persons with disabilities. Oral Presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine- 12/01/20
  • Effects of black pepper on weight management: A Systematic Review, Systematic review conducted under the Prospero registration number CRD42020182986 (First author). Oral Presentation at the 'Silver Jubilee' Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka - 09/01/20
  • Self-reported practice, and awareness with its associated factors on occupational hazards and safety practices among medical laboratory technologists working in government tertiary care health institutions in Colombo district, Dissertation of the MSc Community Medicine course- 2020 (First author). Oral Presentation at the 'Silver Jubilee' Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka - 09/01/20. Oral presentation at the 133rd Anniversary International Virtual Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association - 07/01/20
  • Erectile Dysfunction among clinically diagnosed Diabetic patients attending Colombo South Teaching Hospital: Case-Control Study, Oral presentation at the Annual Scientific Sessions of Physiological Society of Sri Lanka- 2013


Native or Bilingual
Native or Bilingual


Medical Officer

Directorate of Youth, Elderly and Disabled Persons, Ministry of Health
01.2022 - 12.2024

Additional Medical Officer of Health

Padukka Medical Officer of Health area
07.2021 - 01.2022

Medical Officer

Office of Additional Secretary training and Research, Ministry of Health
03.2020 - 07.2020

Medical Officer In Charge

Primary Medical Care Unit, Thummodara
11.2017 - 01.2019

Relief House Officer in Otolaryngology and Medicine

Sri Jayawardenepura General Hospital
11.2016 - 11.2017

House Officer in Surgery and Medicine

Sri Jayawardenepura General Hospital
11.2015 - 11.2016


Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardenepura
01.2015 - 11.2015

MSc - Community Medicine

Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo

Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery -

University of Sri Jayawardenepura

GCE A/L - Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Devi Balika Vidyalaya


Devi Balika Vidyalaya
I hereby certify that the above information is true & correct to the best of my knowledge.

MD - Community Medicine

Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo
Bhumini Janani Karunarathna