Equipped with strong problem-solving abilities, willingness to learn, and excellent communication skills. Poised to contribute to team success and achieve positive results. Ready to tackle new challenges and advance organizational objectives with dedication and enthusiasm.
Contributed as a resource person for the development and revision of national level policies and guidelines
Successfully completed international training programs on aged care and social inclusion of persons with disabilities
Successfully completed different community-based and service-based research projects
Was a trainer of medical and nursing officers during different training programs related to aged care and persons with disabilities
MD in Community Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, 11/01/20, Present, Part I and Part II examinations completed. Expecting results of final examination., MSc in Community Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, 01/01/19, 03/01/20, Pass, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, 01/01/09, 12/31/15, Final MBBS- 2nd Class Upper Division, 2nd MBBS- 2nd Class Upper Division, 1st MBBS - Pass, GCE A/L, Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo 08, 2008, A, A, A, GCE O/L, Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo 08, 2005, 10 A passes
16th Global Conference on Ageing organized by IFA, Bangkok, Thailand, 06/29/23, Delivered a Presentation on 'Implementation of ICOPE in Sri Lanka' at ICOPE symposium by WHO SEARO, JICA training program on 'SOCIAL PARTICIPATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES THROUGH A COMMUNITY BASED INCLUSIVE APPROACH (B)', 11/01/22, 12/13/22, JICA training program on 'POLICIES AND ACTIONS RESPONDING TO AGING CHALLENGES', 10/03/22, 10/28/22, International webinar on 'Elder Abuse Issues and Responses', 06/15/22, International webinar on 'Rights Based Approach Towards Older People', 03/01/22, World Health Organization online training course on 'Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage', 02/01/21, 2nd International Conference on Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 2020 (Silver Age 2020), 12/01/20, Workshop for the master training on the household survey using the WHO rapid Assistive Technology Assessment (rATA), 11/01/20, 133rd Anniversary International Virtual Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 07/01/20, 1st South-East Asia Regional Group Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association, Colombo, 09/01/19, Global Health Diplomacy training for Sri Lanka Health professionals, 04/19/23, 04/21/23, Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Training workshop on 'Qualitative Research', 02/15/23, 02/18/23, Non-Communicable Diseases unit, Ministry of Health, Workshop on 'Project proposal writing for the internationally funded activities', 12/05/22, 12/06/22, Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, eRHMIS data analysis Online Course on eBridge platform, Acquired necessary knowledge and skills pertaining to the analysis of Maternal and Child Health related data in Sri Lanka, Critical appraisal of the article titled 'Need for support among healthcare professionals during the COVID 19 pandemic: a qualitative study at an academic hospital in the Netherlands', 03/22/22, Journal Clubs conducted by College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 02/01/22, 26th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 07/01/21, 'Silver Jubilee' Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 09/01/20, Joint Regional Meeting conducted by the Sri Lanka Medical Association in collaboration with the Awissawella Clinical Society, Clinical Immunology Update 2015 of the UK-Sri Lanka Immunology Foundation in Collaboration with Ceylon College of Physicians, 09/01/15, Good Intern Training Program, 2015