Hardworking and passionate job seeker with strong organizational skills eager to secure entry-level position. Ready to help team achieve company goals.
Personally, I believe that I would be a good candidate for this role because I can communicate confidently towards work peers and customers and I am able to work well with both parties in question, my great attention to detail will be of use for customer service, seeming that I am able to pay attention to tiny details that most of the people around me cannot pick up on. I am also great at working with a task at hand and i am able to complete my work at a high standard, I have great time management seeming i like to be on time/early rather than be late to important events, school, appointments and so forth. My passion for literature will enable me to help certain genres stand out, my persuasion and negotiation skills are strong as I have achieved a grade of B in my school reports. My analysation skills are on par seeming that I am able to create a analytical essay about certain topics especially through art or literature which have impressed my english instructor and as well as my art instructor. I am also a reasonable problem-solver, I am able to solve a problem either with a reasonable solution that requires any form of thinking, or being able to find a way around the problem to reach the solution.