Results-driven executive officer with over 10 years of progressive experience in C-Suite executive administration support. Proven leader, change manager, and complex problem solver with a track record of success in operations oversight, policy development, and process improvements. Experience includes providing high-level coordination and executive support services to Chief Executives and Senior Executives within the Northern Territory Government, as well as effectively managing a team of over 100 employees in a national retail chain. Executive support and management career spans 20+ years. Outcome-focused approach and strong work ethic consistently earn positive performance reviews and commendations for handling high workloads, working autonomously, thinking strategically at a high level, managing time effectively, communicating efficiently, and excelling in human resource and financial management. Embraces change and passionate about fostering diversity, communication, and professional development among employees to drive consistent high performance. Eager to contribute skills, knowledge, and experience to ensure achievement of objectives and maintain high performance within any organization joined.
years of professional experience
Work History
Executive Officer to the Deputy Chief Executive
NT Regional Health Services, NT Health, NTG
01.2024 - Current
Established th inaugural Office of the Deputy Chief Executive, NT Regional Health Services, including setting the governance, communication and office processes, and successfully delivering the first 90 days operational plan
Fostered a culture of innovation, leading to the development reinvigorated administrative processes .
Collaborated with units within the new division to identify new business opportunities in line with NT Health strategic objectives.
Contributed to the enhanced division performance by working with key stakeholder and collogues through developing and implementing strategic plans and initiatives.
Established foundational processes for business operations.
Managed complex projects from inception to completion, ensuring timely delivery within budget constraints including NT RHS annual report input, Estimate and Incoming Minister Briefs
Identified trends and assessed opportunities to improve processes and execution.
Recruited, hired, and trained initial personnel, working to establish key internal functions and outline scope of positions for new organization.
Assisted in recruiting, hiring and training of team members.
Trained and guided team members to maintain high productivity and performance metrics.
Improved employee satisfaction by implementing comprehensive professional development programs.
Monitored divisional training and training schedules.
Championed corporate social responsibility initiatives, aligning the company''s values with community engagement efforts.
Oversaw risk management strategies, mitigating potential threats to the organization''s stability and reputation.
Established strong relationships with key stakeholders to enhance collaboration and drive business success
Handled administrative management, personnel issues and supply requirements for unit.
Successfully provide high level, quality, accurate and consistent advice and strategic support to the Deputy Chief Executive and the Office of the Deputy Chief Executive (ODCE) including: High level executive services and strategic support to the Deputy Chief Executive, Senior Director of the ODCE and the Executive Suite, including the GM NT Wide Services, Director Priority Reform Implementation and Executive Director Travel Transport and Warehousing
As the first point of contact for the Office of the Deputy Chief Executive and analyse, triage, recognise, anticipate and respond to matter on behalf of the Deputy Chief Executive in a professional manner
Develop and maintain effective collaborative partnerships and strategic alliances within the Department, the Ministers’ offices, other government agencies and external stakeholders and draw on these relationships to facilitate outcomes
Provide secretariat services for the Deputy Chief Executive’s Executive Committee and other high level strategic committees
Manage, support and provide direction to the Executive Assistant for Office of the Deputy Chief Executive and the Executive Suite
Research, analyze, prepare and edit high level correspondence, presentations, reports and submissions
Lead, manage and coordinate high level and strategic projects for the Deputy Chief Executive
Manage the timely flow of Ministerial, Cabinet, internal and external stakeholder correspondence and maintain a comprehensive record and information management system, tracking, storing and securing files/information
Act as Disaster Liaison Officer under the Department’s Disaster Management Plan
Ensure a cohesive and collaborative role with all ODCE personnel, develop, implement and evaluate systems to ensure the achievement of strategic objectives; fostering a positive workplace culture through exemplary leadership practices and role modelling behaviour
Exercise a high level of discretion and maintain strict confidentiality at all time
Achievements: Successfully implemented new procedures and agenda papers for Deputy Chief Executives Committee, including implementation of the system for the Governance reporting Committee and sub-committee
Successfully implemented the NTRHS ACCREDTATION SWAT WG
SAO1 Executive Officer to the Chief Executive / Department of Health
Northern Territory Government
10.2019 - 01.2024
Successfully provide high level, quality, accurate and consistent advice and strategic support to the Chief Executive and the Office of the Chief Executive (OCE) including: High level executive services and strategic support to the Chief Executive Senior Director of the OCE and the Executive Suite
As the first point of contact for the Office of the Chief Executive and analyze, triage, recognise, anticipate and respond to matter on behalf of the Chief Executive in a professional manner
Develop and maintain effective collaborative partnerships and strategic alliances within the Department, the Ministers’ offices, other government agencies and external stakeholders and draw on these relationships to facilitate outcomes
Provide secretariat services for the Chief Executive’s Executive Board and other high level strategic committees
Manage, support and provide direction to the Senior Executive Assistant for Office of the Chief Executive and the Executive Suite
Research, analyze, prepare and edit high level correspondence, presentations, reports and submissions
Lead, manage and coordinate high level and strategic projects for the Chief Executive
Manage the timely flow of Ministerial, Cabinet, internal and external stakeholder correspondence and maintain a comprehensive record and information management system, tracking, storing and securing files/information
Act as Disaster Liaison Officer under the Department’s Disaster Management Plan
Ensure a cohesive and collaborative role with all OCE personnel, develop, implement and evaluate systems to ensure the achievement of strategic objectives; fostering a positive workplace culture through exemplary leadership practices and role modelling behavior
Exercise a high level of discretion and maintain strict confidentiality at all times
Participant on the NT Health Clinical Leadership course
Achievements: Successfully set up and implemented new procedures and agenda papers for Chief Executives Governance Assurance Committee, including implementation of the system for the Governance reporting Committee and sub-committee
First point of contact and liaison officer for the CE and Department’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response for interagency collaborative response to national bodies
COVID-19 Pandemic Response Emergency Operation Centre after hours and weekend Health Commander
Courses Completed: Certificate in Governance Practice – Governance Institute of Australia August 2020.
AO6 - Executive Senior Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive / Department of Health
Department of Health, NTG
11.2016 - 10.2019
Successfully provide high level administrative, secretariat, strategic and research support to the Chief Executive, Senior Director (SD) and the Office of the Chief Executive including: Provide high-level administrative support and secretariat services to the Chief Executive and Senior Director and NT Health Executive Team, including developing, coordinating and maintaining efficient and effective systems for the Office
Provide secretariat support to Chief Executive’s Governance committees, including preparing all meeting agendas and briefing papers for members of of the executive team
Liaise in a professional manner with the Minister’s Office, internal and external key national/international stakeholders
Provide high level confidential support to coordinate and prepare weekly Minister and Chief Executive Meeting papers, including follow actions as required
Maintain efficient purchasing and procurement systems for the OCE, provide oversight financial budget expenditure
Ensure a cohesive and collaborative role with all OCE personnel to achieve identified outcomes; fostering a positive workplace culture through exemplary leadership practices and role modelling behavior
Organise, manage and track schedules/ diary, reports, and correspondence for the CE and SD and Executive team
Manage and triage all CE and SD incoming calls and correspondence, assess, triage and respond expeditiously and within the required timeframes
Draft and quality control all correspondence for the Chief Executive’s attention ensuring accountability with relevant legislation and guidelines in respect to NTG policy including developing easy to use internal templates for all staff members and internal procedures on how on complete each
Ensure appropriate information management within the OCE
Managed schedules, events and travel plans for conferences, meetings and seminars, as well as domestic and international trips for the Chief Executive and senior executive team, including drafting and providing associated Ministerial/Departmental liaison briefings for the CE for all travel
Developed strong relationships with internal departments to facilitate cross-functional collaboration on key initiatives driven by senior leaders.
Use a range of standard office computer programs and departmental information systems including TRIM filing, Travel Request Information Processing System (TRIPS), Electronic Invoice Management System (EIMS) ECMS Credit Cardholder (ECMS), BOXi HR, Information Technology (IT) costing reporting, and QBT
Provide administration assistance to staff and managers in the procurement of operational goods and services
Achievements: Winner – Department of Health Excellence Awards -Rising Star 2019
Successfully implemented new procedures and suite of papers for Executive Health Leadership Committee
Established the new Department of Health Social Club.
AO6 - A/Executive Officer to the Executive Director, National Critical Care & Trauma Response Centre (NCCTRC)/ Department of Health
Northern Territory Government
06.2016 - 11.2018
Provide high level administrative, secretariat, research support and leadership to the Executive Director (ED) National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre (NCCTRC, the) Senior Executive including: Provide high-level confidential administrative support and secretariat services to the Executive Director, Senior Directors and Managers
Facilitate the efficient day-to-day administrative operation by developing and maintaining appropriate procedures /systems, maintaining information management retrieval systems in compliance with departmental protocols
Provision of secretariat services for the ED’s Governance Committees, Strategic Working Groups and Forums
Coordinate NCCTRC Regional Engagement Program travel arrangements and associated Ministerial/Departmental liaison briefings; coordinate all ED and Senior Executive Team national/international travel
Liaise with Regional Engagement Program course coordinators and key national/international stakeholders, including international Ministries of Health, Australian Hi-Commissioner Offices, International Dignitaries and International Embassies
Acquit all monies spent in the Regional Engagement Program, as per NTG policy
Maintain efficient purchasing and procurement systems for the NCCTRC, provide oversight financial budget expenditure and contributing to Regional Engagement program Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) reporting processes
Follow defined service quality standards, Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) policies and procedures
Ensure a cohesive and collaborative role with all NCCTRC personnel to achieve identified outcomes; fostering a positive workplace culture through exemplary leadership practices and role modelling behavior
Organise, manage and track schedules/ diary, reports, bookings, correspondence for the Executive Director and Executive team
Manage, triage and respond to the Executive Director and Nursing Director’s incoming calls and correspondence expeditiously and within the required timeframes
Draft and quality control all correspondence for the ED’s attention including Ministerial correspondence, ensuring accountability with relevant legislation and guidelines in respect to NTG policy including developing easy to use internal templates for all staff members and internal procedures on how on complete each
Maintain appropriate information management systems for the Executive Director and the NCCTRC
Use a range of standard office computer programs and departmental information systems including TRIM filing, Travel Request Information Processing System (TRIPS), Electronic Invoice Management System (EIMS) ECMS Credit Cardholder (ECMS), BOXi HR, Information Technology (IT) costing reporting, and QBT
Provide administration assistance to staff and managers in the procurement of operational goods and services
Assist the Director Corporate Service and Business Manager with the development of administrative systems and procedures with relation to travel, catering and financial requirements for the Branch
Assist as required in Trauma and Disaster events, as the Administrative Support for the Incident Controller
Faculty member and Course Coordinator for National and International Hospital Major incident Medical Management System (HMiMMS) Courses and Course Coordinator for Major incident Medical Management System (MiMMS) General Instructor Course (GIC)
Faculty member for EMERGO Train System Senior Instructor Course
Achievements: Key member of the Coordination team that successfully delivered the first and second year of the DFAT Regional Engagement Program, and was responsible officer for ensuring the Program was delivered on time and within budget
Devised and implemented a new Travel Process and Protocol for the NCCTRC
Courses Completed: Dealing with difficult conversations Nov 2018, Effective Communication NTG Nov 2018, Major incident Medical Management System (MiMMS) General Instructor Course July 2018, ECMS Credit Cardholder/Verifier NTG Nov 2017, Major incident Medical Management System (MiMMS) Oct 2017, EMERGO Train System Senior Instructor Course Aug 2017, Hospital Major incident Medical Management System (HMiMMS) July 2017, AIIMS Aug 2016.
AO3 A/Finance Officer, & Personal Assistant to the Director– Oral Health Services Top End / Department of Health
Northern Territory Government
11.2015 - 06.2016
Successfully provide a high level of responsive administrative and secretariat support to the Director, Oral Health Services in order to assist in the achievement of business objectives including: Provide a high level of confidential administrative support and secretariat services to the Director and Managers, develop, co-ordinate and maintain efficient and effective systems for the Directorate
Organise, manage and track schedules/ diary, reports, bookings, correspondence for the Director
Manage and triage the Director’s incoming calls and email correspondence and attend to matters coming through the office of the Director expeditiously and within the required timeframes
Assist in writing, proof reading and editing of internal Memorandums, Ministerial Briefs, Letter’s, and Flash Briefs
Maintain corporate files and document tracking for the Director and Managers
Use a range of standard office computer programs and departmental information systems
Undertake non-complex projects as required under the supervision of the Director and Managers
Provide comprehensive administrative support to Oral Health Services Top End
Manage administrative activities relevant to the position including financial management systems and processes
Provide administrative assistance to staff and managers in the procurement of operational goods and services including office supplies for the branch and school dental services
Assist the Administration Manager with the development of administrative systems and procedures with relation to financial requirements for the branch
Provide customer service to suppliers and provide timely follow-up to queries relating to invoices
Achievements: Implemented control process and protocols for Invoice payment to ensure that End of Financial Year accruals were submitted that had previously not been accounted for correctly
Courses completed: Completed Cost Center Manager NTG Feb 2016, Ministerial Writing Workshop NTG May 2016, Electronic Invoice Management System NTG Nov 2015, Department of Health Orientation NTG Nov 2015, Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Program NTG Nov 2015.
AO2 Records Clerk / Department of Primary Industry & Fisheries, Department of Health
Northern Territory Government
06.2015 - 11.2015
As a member of the Information Management Group be responsible for the provision of effective, efficient and timely information practices and handling across all levels of the Department including: Assist with internal and external mail deliveries and dispatch services including registration of remittances and valuables and stamping of incoming correspondence
Record file movements and assist with the file census as required
Filing of documents and files together with general administrative duties such as maintaining stationery supplies and photocopying within the records area
Provision of internal courier services
Provision of support to staff within the Information Management Group and advice and support to other Departmental staff with regards to record management, policy and procedures
Assist with the creation, registration and modification of files, documents, correspondence and other key records within the Agency
Assist with the implementation of government and departmental record management policy and procedures
Coordinate the sorting, distribution and management of incoming and outgoing mail, freight, postage and courier services
Assist in project work for NT Archives
Undertake or assist with specific or ad hoc projects as required (e.g
Record Disposal and Thesaurus).
Administration Manager / Harvey Norman
Darwin, Northern Territory
04.2011 - 04.2015
Successfully lead a team of store persons and administrative teams that provided a high level of administrative, human resources, payroll, accounting, warehouse and financial services and support to the four Franchises and act on behalf of the Franchisor to ensure that the Franchises adhered to Franchisor agreements: Coordinating and overseeing administrative support and management services to four franchises
Providing human resource management for the store, including dispute resolution, recruitment and performance management
Supervising and managing an office team comprising six employees and 12 warehouse personnel
Coordinating payroll for 98 staff
Accounts payable management
Overseeing all accounts duties
Preparing meeting minutes for monthly franchisee meetings
Providing services as the OH&S Site Manager
Ensuring compliance with national requirements
Managing and maintaining IT for the store
Assisting with team building and employee morale activities
Preparing internal reports as requested, e.g
Salaries, bonuses, hours worked
Achievements: Successfully contributed to the smooth running of the store, providing reliable administrative, financial and human resource support and management as required
Built solid working knowledge with relation to current human resources issues, and ensured compliance with all relevant legislation
Developed a reputation within the store for reliability, thoroughness and attention-to-detail
Effectively led an administration and warehousing team, ensuring each individual contributed productively and achieved critical KPI’s as expected
Provided ongoing training and mentoring to ensure achievement of personal and organizational goals
Developed excellent working relationships with all managers and colleagues, which created a positive and productive workplace
In any dealings I had with customers, I always extended friendly and professional customer service, which encouraged new and repeat business for Harvey Norman
As a highly organized individual, I consistently demonstrated the ability to manage my time, prioritizing all tasks as required for timely and satisfactory completion
Adhered to and championed Work Health and Safety policy and procedures, achieving a blemish-free safety record and played a key role in ensuring a safe workplace for the store
As an enthusiastic learner, I quickly learnt the essential processes, procedures and systems central to the role, working independently soon after starting in the position
Received positive feedback on my performance throughout the duration of my employment, commending me on my dedication and commitment to results.
Store Support Manager/ Coles Supermarket
Darwin Northern Territory
03.2009 - 04.2011
Oversighted the daily store operations for approximately 200 employees
Responsible for the human resource management of all staff including performance management, coaching, training and professional development
Payroll coordination
Provide day to day office and business services management
Coordinate and supervise monthly stock takes
Ensuring adequate and appropriate rostering and achievement of store targets
Support the management team to achieve sales targets
Undertake workplace safety duties as the OHS Manager
Ensure customer satisfaction through mystery shopper initiative and supporting the Customer Service Manager
Manage the store in the Store Manager’s absence
Oversee inventory and office purchasing
Accounts receivable
Coordinate weekly project team meetings
Maintain the executive calendar of events, recreation leave and project milestones
Motivate the team in weekly meetings
Recruit staff
Manage customer complaints and feedback
Achievements: Was assigned the additional task of OHS Manager as a result of my dedication to the role and actively ensuring the safety of the workplace
Successfully trained and mentored employees to ensure the team met customer and organizational expectations
During the Store Manager’s absences, I was delegated the responsibility of managing the store and I completed these additional tasks successfully and to the satisfaction of management
Built strong working rapport with all management and colleagues, which contributed to a productive and healthy work environment
Put myself in the shoes of my customers at all times, delivering an excellent standard of service that encouraged new and repeat business for Coles Supermarkets and ensure high customer service survey results and that targets where achieved and target bonus meet
Effectively dealt with customer issues, striving to achieve favorable outcomes in every instance
Completed all tasks on time and satisfactorily, as a result of my ability to manage my time and prioritize tasks
Worked well in both team and individual situations
As a fast learner, I quickly learnt the skills, processes, systems and procedures central to the role
Always received favorable performance review feedback, reflective of my commitment to the position.
Store Support Manager & Regional Manager’s Personnel Assistant/ Coles Supermarkets
Adelaide, SA
01.2008 - 01.2009
Customer Service Manager / Coles Supermarkets
Adelaide, SA
01.2006 - 01.2007
Administration Manager / Coles Supermarkets
Darwin, NT
01.2005 - 01.2006
Graduate Certificate - NT Health Clinical Leadership Program
NT Health
Certificate in Governance Practice -
Governance Institute of Australia
On Line
Graduate Certificate - Accidental Company Secretariat
Governance Institute of Australia
On Line
Retail Leaders Program – Certificate 5 Business Management -
Year 12 -
Dripstone High School
Darwin NT
Organised and consistent
Effective communicator and listener
Ability to analyze and exercise judgement and common sense in decision making
High integrity
High work ethic
Results driven
Calm under pressure
Enthusiastic and willing to learn
Strategic thinker/mindset
Able to influence, negotiate, inspire, engage and motivate people
Cooperative and consultative working style, team player with ability to build effectively relationships and influence
Resilient and courageous
Committed and take personal responsibility for actions, outcomes and professional development
Customer focused
Agile, flexible and adaptable
Compassionate and empathetic
Able to successfully multi task with competing deadlines
Organizational Leadership
Operational leadership
Corporate leadership
Risk Assessments
Staff Management
Relationship Management
Performance reporting
Process Improvements
Business Administration
Administrative Oversight
Financial Oversight
Policy development and optimization
Contract Management
Unit Administration
Team Player
Team Leadership
Problem Resolution
Customer Relations
Administrative Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Community Engagement
Staff Motivation
Executive Support
Project Management
Research and analysis
Staff Development
Workflow Planning
Business Planning
Strategy Development
NT Driver’s License
Fire Warden
Executive Officer to the Deputy Chief Executive
NT Regional Health Services, NT Health, NTG
01.2024 - Current
SAO1 Executive Officer to the Chief Executive / Department of Health
Northern Territory Government
10.2019 - 01.2024
AO6 - Executive Senior Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive / Department of Health
Department of Health, NTG
11.2016 - 10.2019
AO6 - A/Executive Officer to the Executive Director, National Critical Care & Trauma Response Centre (NCCTRC)/ Department of Health
Northern Territory Government
06.2016 - 11.2018
AO3 A/Finance Officer, & Personal Assistant to the Director– Oral Health Services Top End / Department of Health
Northern Territory Government
11.2015 - 06.2016
AO2 Records Clerk / Department of Primary Industry & Fisheries, Department of Health
Northern Territory Government
06.2015 - 11.2015
Administration Manager / Harvey Norman
Darwin, Northern Territory
04.2011 - 04.2015
Store Support Manager/ Coles Supermarket
Darwin Northern Territory
03.2009 - 04.2011
Store Support Manager & Regional Manager’s Personnel Assistant/ Coles Supermarkets
Adelaide, SA
01.2008 - 01.2009
Customer Service Manager / Coles Supermarkets
Adelaide, SA
01.2006 - 01.2007
Administration Manager / Coles Supermarkets
Darwin, NT
01.2005 - 01.2006
Graduate Certificate - NT Health Clinical Leadership Program
NT Health
Certificate in Governance Practice -
Governance Institute of Australia
Graduate Certificate - Accidental Company Secretariat
Governance Institute of Australia
Retail Leaders Program – Certificate 5 Business Management -
Year 12 -
Dripstone High School
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