I am a hard-working and enthusiastic early career psychologist who has recently gained clinical endorsement. My work experience and studies have deepened my passion for patient centered therapy. I am looking to continue to enhance my scope of experience and skills and to develop my identity in this profession.
St Kilda Rd Clinic provides a range of specialist mental health support for adults aged 25-64 years . My work for this organisation has been split between two teams, the Brief Intervention Team and the Prevention and Recovery Care team with my responsibilities in each team as follows:
Brief intervention team
Prevention and Recovery Care team:
Star Health are a large community health organisation that provide a range of health services to the Southern Metropolitan area. I worked in the adult NDIS team which provides capacity building services to individuals with psychosocial disabilities. The team works with individuals with a diverse range of clinical presentations including depression, anxiety, complex PTSD, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. My work involved the following responsibilities:
The Swinburne Well-being Clinic for Older Adults provides counselling and be-friending services to Older Adults in Residential Aged care settings across Australia. My role included the following responsibilities:
The Swinburne University Compulsive Hoarding and Acquiring Group is a ten-session cognitive-behavioural therapy program aimed at assisting people struggling with compulsive hoarding disorder to develop a better understanding of the thoughts and behaviours that maintain this problem. My role included the following responsibilities
Addiction Medicine Unit (TPAMU) provides medically managed inpatient withdrawal and stabilisation at the 1 East and Wellington House sites at Box Hill Hospital.
Clients also participate in therapeutic and psychoeducational groups facilitated by a diverse range of allied health professionals. As a provisional psychologist, my role included the following responsibilities:
The Swinburne Psychology Clinic is part of a large on-campus healthcare facility that provides low cost counselling, psychological assessment and group therapy to a diverse range of clients. My role included the following responsibilities:
Direct Chemist Outlet Ripponlea is a community pharmacy that services a diverse community in the Melbourne metropolitan Along with general health advice and promotion, the business is accredited to provide pharmacotherapy for people recovering from opioid addictions. My responsibilities as a community pharmacist include
Mind Australia Partnership and Linkage Service (PALS) provides support to people in the community living with mental health issues. My responsibilities as a volunteer in this position included:
The Anxiety Recovery centre is a Victorian service that assists and provides support to people and families living with anxiety disorders. My responsibilities as a volunteer in this position involved:
Sherena Ismail from Alfred Health
Bianca Grasso from Alfred Health