I possess a strong drive to deliver success with renewable, sustainable and cost effective energy solutions that are innovative, reliable and appropriate for future requirements. With proven sales, design and problem solving techniques developed from 36 years of experience, has led too good foresight and a visionary approach to sales. I draw upon a broad spectrum of knowledge gained with hands on and intellectual work experiences to achieve high professional standards, which allows me to meet and exceed realistic goals and expectations of all stake holders in the product portfolio.
A presentation to over 80 electrical engineers the ETSA Engineering Technical Forum November 2011. “PV Solar in SA – The whole perspective”.
Project manage 5 the install of Lager solar embedded generators remotely.
Being in a five member team selected by Rotary International to participate in the Vocational Training Team with a renewable energy focus. We spending 30 day in Kansas USA in 2011 with peer access to 32 companies, 4 universities, 2 major utilities and many others.
To Be added later
To Be added later