Healthcare professional with robust background in nursing leadership, known for driving quality improvements and operational efficiency. Proven ability to manage multidisciplinary teams and implement policies that promote patient-centered care. Strong focus on team collaboration and achieving measurable results, adaptable to evolving healthcare needs.
years of professional experience
Work History
Clinical Nurse Midwifery Consultant
Women and Newborn Health Service
08.2022 - Current
Provision of clinical consultancy within specialty area, across hospital and external sites
Set and monitor clinical standards, lead policy development and change management
Role related attributes
Advanced clinical skills and knowledge: I provide clinical expertise and support in managing complex patient presentations at risk of clinical deterioration for the high acuity specialty areas of emergency and high dependency nursing and midwifery
Leadership: As the nursing/midwifery Head of Department, I am responsible for aligning operational activities with the organisation’s targets and objectives
I undertake Department of Health level reporting, monitoring performance against key performance indicators
Change management: I role model a flexible approach and positive outlook when responding to change and uncertainty
Consultancy: I represent my department at various organisation, health service and state level committees, offering specialty area expertise at meetings and forums
Quality Improvement Initiatives: I identify opportunities for, and support staff in, undertaking continuous improvement initiatives
Current Initiatives: Clinical Documentation compliance in the Emergency Centre
Policy and Guideline Development: I conduct review and development of evidence-based guidelines and policies
Policy currently under review: Arterial line Management; Emergency Centre clinical practice guideline
In development: North Metro Health Service Smoke free policy; Emergency Department ‘Did Not Wait’ policy
Collegiate teamwork: I promote multidisciplinary collaboration in projects to improve standards of patient care
Current projects: Introduction of Non-Invasive Ventilation in the Adult Special Care Unit; Hyperemesis Gravidarium dietician project in the Emergency Centre
Work Independently: I monitor clinical incidents and conduct independent investigations in order to determine clinical trends and analyse need for targeted Quality Improvement initiatives
Clinical Education: I present clinical education to groups
Recent topics include: ‘Medication errors’ for the professional issues study day with the Department of Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research; Communication at triage for Emergency Centre triage study day
I continue my involvement in the Obstetric study day for the post graduate emergency nursing program at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital presenting on ‘Bleeding in pregnancy’, ‘Early pregnancy loss’ and participate in simulation of birth and post-partum hemorrhage
People management: I address substandard performance issues promptly utilizing principles underpinned by WNHS Vision and Values
In a recent issue with substandard performance, I worked collaboratively with the Human Resources team to promptly address the issue with psychological counselling support and facilitation of an educational upskilling program
Clinical Nurse Specialist (Acting)
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
07.2021 - 08.2022
Provision of clinical leadership and management, set and monitor clinical standards, lead policy development and change management
Role related attributes
Advanced clinical skills and knowledge: I provided clinical expertise and support for complex emergency presentations including resuscitation and trauma
Medical Emergency Team member: Rostered participant on the MET team, I attended medical emergency calls across all areas of the large tertiary hospital as part of the multidisciplinary team response
Collegiate teamwork: I worked closely as a collegiate team to engage with departmental heads, hospital groups and state bodies
I worked with Integrity and Innovation, utilising advanced problem-solving skills to address complex infrastructure and staffing challenges within tight time frames
Communication: I showcased Care and Respect to colleagues by communicating changes in a comprehensive and timely manner
The taskforce team published a weekly newsletter with department relevant COVID information
I embodied NMHS values to address consumer feedback when responding to complaints and relaying complements to the team
Policy and Guideline Development: As a member of the multidisciplinary COVID-19 Clinical Reference Group, we rapidly developed and endorsed clinical guidelines and pathways supported by evidence-based practice that aligns with national frameworks
I developed the policy for hospital wide use of High Flow Nasal prongs (AirVo) and clinical pathways including ED triage pathway and Screening and Streaming of Emergency Presentations
Orientation: I held the Shift Co-Ordinator portfolio thus responsible for the preparation, orientation, and ongoing mentorship of Clinical Nurses to our most senior clinical departmental role
Mentorship / Preceptorship: As an SRN preceptor for the ED Acting Clinical Nurse program, I supported three candidates in developing a QI initiative, undertaking clinical teaching, and advancing their leadership capacity in preparation for the role of Clinical Nurse
Mentorship, Preceptorship and Coaching are invaluable tools in preparing the next generation of clinical leaders in nursing
Knowledge of relevant legislation: I was the acute services division representative on the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan committee which was tasked with ensuring the hospital met its obligation under the Disability Services Act (1993)
I understand my obligations under legislation such as the Equal Opportunity Act (1984) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (1984)
I have been on a panel involved in mass recruitment of 20 RN positions in November2021
Registered Nurse/Midwife
King Edward Memorial Hospital
01.2021 - 01.2022
Provide clinical and professional expertise in delivery of high dependency nursing and midwifery care to our consumers
Role related attributes
Advanced Clinical Skills and Knowledge: I provided comprehensive care to complex obstetric and gynecology patients requiring high dependency level care
Interpersonal skills, communication and problem solving: I was the nominated ASCU representative for the Women and Newborn Service Relocation Project
Group meetings required strong interpersonal skills to work with various stakeholders in developing tangible solutions that meet the future focused needs of our consumers at the QEII site
Clinical Nurse
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
01.2016 - 01.2022
Provide clinical and professional expertise, leadership and direction to support staff and patients with emergency presentations
Maintain high standards of care delivery and a safe environment for our staff and patients at all times
Role related attributes
Advanced Clinical Skills and Knowledge: I am competent in all areas of emergency care including assessment, fast track, resuscitation, triage, shift co-ordination
Collegiate Teamwork: I consistently performed to a high standard in multidisciplinary resuscitation teams maintaining closed loop communication in highly dynamic situations
I efficiently and effectively ran a busy ED maintaining standards of care, and optimised safety of all who use and work in the area
I taught, guided and supported colleagues in this unpredictable, dynamic and challenging environment
Student/Graduate Midwife
King Edward Memorial Hospital
01.2018 - 01.2021
Rotational program providing women centred maternity care as a student then graduate Registered Midwife
Included Research Internship with the Department of Nursing and Midwifery Research (DNAMER)
Role related attributes
Research Initiative: As the competitively selected graduate research intern with the Department of Nursing and Midwifery Research, I gained valuable experience in enhancing my research capacity and have formed strong and enduring networks to support ongoing research inquiry
Projects include sexual health and formula feeding in hospital (see publications)
Graduate Diploma - Midwifery
Curtin University
Graduate Certificate - Emergency Nursing
Edith Cowan University
Master of Nursing Practice - undefined
Curtin University
Bachelor of Science - Biotechnology
University of Glasgow
Patient care
Clinical assessment
Medical documentation
Medication administration
2020 Graduate Midwife of the Year (Women and Newborn Health Service), 2019 Clinical Midwifery Prize (King Edward Memorial Hospital/Curtin University), 2011 High Achiever of the Year (Australian College of Nursing)
2021 Representative for Women and Newborn Service Relocation Project user group
2020 Secretary for West Australian branch Australian College of Midwives (ACM)
2019 Elected executive board member of ACM
2018 Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses & Midwives (CATSINaM) affiliate member
2015 College of Emergency Nursing Australasia (CENA) professional member
'Sexual and Reproductive Health Education: Midwives’ confidence and practices' Bradfield, Z., Officer, K., Barnes, C., Mignacca, E., Butt, J., and Hauck, Y. Women and Birth. (2021) doi:10.1016/j.wombi.2021.09.005. Epub ahead of print. PMID:34535424
'Influencers of women’s choice and experience of exclusive formula feeding in hospital' Barnes, C., Hauck, Y., Mabbott, K., Officer, K., Ashton, L., and Bradfield, Z. Midwifery. (2021) doi:10.1016/j.midw.2021.103093. Epub2021 Jul14. PMID:34311337.
Advanced Life Support level2 Provider (Australian Resuscitation Council)
Patient Experience Leadership Program (Beryl Institute, in progress)
The Next100.....enabling and empowering people, online series and leadership workshops
High dependency nursing course (Medcast)
Fetal Surveillance program (OFSEP)
High dependency midwifery (DNAMER)
Mass Incident Medical Management Support team member
Trauma Nursing Core Course Provider
Teaching on the Run (teaching training program for clinicians)
Additional Training
This is just a trial to see if this will work
For amendment
Professional affiliations
For additions
Clinical Nurse Midwifery Consultant
Women and Newborn Health Service
08.2022 - Current
Clinical Nurse Specialist (Acting)
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
07.2021 - 08.2022
Registered Nurse/Midwife
King Edward Memorial Hospital
01.2021 - 01.2022
Student/Graduate Midwife
King Edward Memorial Hospital
01.2018 - 01.2021
Clinical Nurse
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
01.2016 - 01.2022
Graduate Certificate - Emergency Nursing
Edith Cowan University
Master of Nursing Practice - undefined
Curtin University
Bachelor of Science - Biotechnology
University of Glasgow
Graduate Diploma - Midwifery
Curtin University
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