Work History
Personal Information

Linda McKean



With a robust background in neonatal education and clinical nursing, honed at the Neonatal Directorate, Women and Newborn Health Care, I excel in course implementation and fostering student relations. My achievements include developing a comprehensive upskilling program and integrating simulation training, showcasing my expertise in professional training and group instruction.


years of professional experience

Work History

Neonatal Educator – Postgraduate

Neonatal Directorate, Women and Newborn Health Care
Subiaco, Western Australia
06.2003 - Current
  • My primary responsibility in this role is the facilitation of the Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Neonates) run in collaboration with Curtin University
  • The initial intake of students to this program was 2010
  • Prior to the transition to Curtin University the program had been a hospital-based certificate since 1979
  • The program consists of 4 units – two science and two practical units
  • The major assessment tool for the program is an online ePortfolio which the students are required to have completed by the end of the program
  • The portfolio meets the course/university outcomes and the Australian College of Neonatal Nurses standards
  • In its current format the program is one year full-time
  • Students must be concurrently employed with the Neonatal Directorate and have two years post basic experience with one-year experience in the NICU
  • I developed a series of study day programs for the neonatal nursing staff in 2004 which assisted staff in maintaining / updating skills and knowledge
  • Facilitated a two-day Neonatal Upskilling program for metropolitan and rural Registered Nurses/Midwives which is run yearly
  • Currently involved in setting up a simulation program for multidisciplinary NCCU staff
  • I am a participant of several committees within the organisation: Education Stakeholders Committee (WNHS), Simulation Sub-Committee, NCCU Education Committee, Education Committee (for nursing staff involved in education within the NCCU), Neonatal Coordination Group, a number of other local level meetings for the unit and around the hospital

Clinical Development Nurse

NCCU, Subiaco
Subiaco, Western Australia
09.2002 - 06.2003
  • My responsibilities in this role included the education of new Nurses to the NCCU – a comprehensive orientation program considering prior experience of each new Nurse
  • Developing the inservice program for the NCCU
  • Providing lectures and clinical sessions for all staff
  • Undertaking performance reviews with junior staff
  • Attending unit management meetings and special interest groups

Clinical Nurse

KEMH/PMH, Subiaco
Subiaco, Western Australia
07.2000 - 06.2002
  • My responsibilities in this role included coordinating the NICU/L2 nursery/High Dependency Unit and the Neonatal Surgical Unit
  • It was my role to supervise junior Registered Nurses, Graduates, both new starts and agency nurses, Midwifery students and Graduates
  • During this time, I had an opportunity to act as the Clinical Development Nurse within the Special Care Nurseries at KEMH
  • As a result, I was then successful in gaining the CDN position at 6B, PMH

Registered Nurse/Neonatal Trained

KEMH/PMH, Subiaco
Subiaco, Western Australia
02.1999 - 07.2000
  • I consolidated my neonatal training during this time
  • Working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Level 2 Nursery, High Dependency Unit and the Neonatal Surgical Unit

Registered Nurse – Special Care Nurseries

KEMH, Subiaco
Subiaco, Western Australia
02.1998 - 02.1999
  • During this time, I successfully completed my training as a Specialist Neonatal Trained Nurse

Registered Nurse – Special Care Nurseries

KEMH, Subiaco
Subiaco, Western Australia
11.1997 - 02.1998
  • During this time, I was orientated to both the Level 2 and Level 3 Intensive Care Unit of the nursery
  • I was also successful in gaining a position on the Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Course beginning February 1998

Clinical Nurse/Midwife

Thursday Island Hospital, Queensland
Thursday Island, Queensland
03.1997 - 11.1997
  • During my time working in the Maternity Unit I worked generally alone on late and night shifts attending to labouring women and their babies
  • The hospital had approximately 250 medium to high-risk births per year
  • I was also responsible for caring for neonates in the Level 2 nursery as well running the ante-natal and post-natal clinics

Acting Director of Nursing

Bamaga Hospital, Queensland
Bamaga, Queensland
01.1997 - 03.1997
  • I was professionally and operationally responsible for the day to day running of the hospital and community nurses

Registered Midwife

Port Hedland Regional Hospital, Western Australia
Port Hedland, Western Australia
10.1995 - 12.1996
  • Consolidated my experience as a Midwife in this unit
  • I also had an opportunity to relieve as the Hospital Night Manager for a period of time

Clinical Nurse Level 2

Thursday Island Hospital, Queensland
Thursday Island, Queensland
05.1994 - 09.1995
  • Worked in the 30-bed General ward of the hospital
  • Duties included coordination of the unit, rostering and aerial retrievals from the outer islands of the Torres Strait
  • Relieved in the Clinical Nursing Consultant position (General Ward) from 12/1994-01/1995 and 320 hours as a Midwife

Student Midwife

Kirwan Hospital for Women, Townsville, Queensland
Townsville, Queensland
03.1993 - 03.1994
  • Successfully completed the 12-month Midwifery program

Registered General Nurse

Bamaga Hospital, Queensland
Bamaga, Queensland
07.1992 - 01.1993
  • My responsibilities in this remote area hospital included looking after a 20-bed ward and an emergency/casualty department
  • I was also responsible for dispensing medications from pharmacy, carrying out routine investigations (bloods, xrays, ECG’s etc)
  • As part of my responsibilities I was required to do basic suturing and inserting intravenous cannula

Registered General Nurse

King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women (KEMH), Western Australia
Western Australia
08.1991 - 06.1992
  • I worked during my time at KEMH on the Gynaecology and Oncology ward
  • I also had an opportunity to work in Special Care Nursery

Registered General Nurse

Fremantle Hospital
08.1990 - 08.1991
  • I worked for 5 months on a Medical Ward and eight months on a General Surgical and Vascular Ward

Small Offset Printer

State Printing Division
Wembley, Western Australia
09.1979 - 07.1987

Clerical Assistant – Grade 1

Commonwealth Department of Housing and Construction
Perth, Western Australia
05.1979 - 08.1979


Department of Statistics
Christchurch, New Zealand
11.1976 - 03.1977


Graduate Diploma - Health Professional Education

University of Western Australia
Nedlands, Western Australia

Master of Nursing - 155663

Curtin University of Technology
Bentley, Western Australia

Postgraduate Diploma - Clinical Nursing (Neonatal Intensive Care) - 116116

Curtin University of Technology
Bentley, Western Australia

Certificate - Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing

King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women
Subiaco, Western Australia

Certificate - Midwifery Course

Kirwan Hospital for Women
Townsville, Queensland

Bachelor of Health Science - Nursing

Edith Cowan University
Churchlands, Western Australia

Diploma of Health Science - Nursing

Western Australian College of Advanced Education
Churchlands, Western Australia

Tertiary Entrance Examination -

Kelmscott Senior High School

Completed a one-year Secretarial Studies Course -

Christchurch Technical Institute
Christchurch, New Zealand

Avonside Girls High School


  • Academic goals
  • Student relations
  • Continuing education
  • Professional training
  • Group and individual instruction
  • Course implementation


  • 2015, Completed a Graduate Diploma in Health Professional Education through the University of Western Australia.
  • 2007, Gained a Master of Nursing looking at the history and development of the Hospital Based Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing course.
  • 2010, Transitioned the Post Basic Certificate in Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing to a tertiary setting (Curtin University).
  • 2013, In collaboration with colleagues developed a simulation-based education program.

Personal Information

Date of Birth: 08/21/58


Neonatal Educator – Postgraduate

Neonatal Directorate, Women and Newborn Health Care
06.2003 - Current

Clinical Development Nurse

NCCU, Subiaco
09.2002 - 06.2003

Clinical Nurse

KEMH/PMH, Subiaco
07.2000 - 06.2002

Registered Nurse/Neonatal Trained

KEMH/PMH, Subiaco
02.1999 - 07.2000

Registered Nurse – Special Care Nurseries

KEMH, Subiaco
02.1998 - 02.1999

Registered Nurse – Special Care Nurseries

KEMH, Subiaco
11.1997 - 02.1998

Clinical Nurse/Midwife

Thursday Island Hospital, Queensland
03.1997 - 11.1997

Acting Director of Nursing

Bamaga Hospital, Queensland
01.1997 - 03.1997

Registered Midwife

Port Hedland Regional Hospital, Western Australia
10.1995 - 12.1996

Clinical Nurse Level 2

Thursday Island Hospital, Queensland
05.1994 - 09.1995

Student Midwife

Kirwan Hospital for Women, Townsville, Queensland
03.1993 - 03.1994

Registered General Nurse

Bamaga Hospital, Queensland
07.1992 - 01.1993

Registered General Nurse

King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women (KEMH), Western Australia
08.1991 - 06.1992

Registered General Nurse

Fremantle Hospital
08.1990 - 08.1991

Small Offset Printer

State Printing Division
09.1979 - 07.1987

Clerical Assistant – Grade 1

Commonwealth Department of Housing and Construction
05.1979 - 08.1979


Department of Statistics
11.1976 - 03.1977

Graduate Diploma - Health Professional Education

University of Western Australia

Master of Nursing - 155663

Curtin University of Technology

Postgraduate Diploma - Clinical Nursing (Neonatal Intensive Care) - 116116

Curtin University of Technology

Certificate - Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing

King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women

Certificate - Midwifery Course

Kirwan Hospital for Women

Bachelor of Health Science - Nursing

Edith Cowan University

Diploma of Health Science - Nursing

Western Australian College of Advanced Education

Tertiary Entrance Examination -

Kelmscott Senior High School

Completed a one-year Secretarial Studies Course -

Christchurch Technical Institute

Avonside Girls High School
Linda McKean