Work History
Additional Information
Research Publications

Kumari Rajapaksha



Highly motivated Researcher in Biogeochemistry with over ten years of experience, specializing in plant-soil interactions, carbon and nutrient cycling, soil food web analysis, soil carbon sequestration, and advanced soil modelling including spatial analysis.

Work History

Research Officer

Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, WSU
10.2023 - Current
  • Predicting the behavior of urine-based fertilizers and biosolids in different soils to evaluate their potential agronomic benefits and environmental impacts.
  • Planning and conducting experiments to evaluate soil health responses (i.e., soil nutrient availability, soil microbial communities, and their interactions) to urine-based fertilizers and biosolids, identifying options to maximise nutrient use-efficiency and minimise impacts of salinisation and changes of pH
  • Data analyses and interpretation

Ph.D. Researcher

Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, WSU
08.2019 - 05.2024
  • Conducted thorough literature surveys to identify gaps in knowledge and inform future research directions.
  • Collaborated with interdisciplinary teams to conduct comprehensive studies and generate valuable insights.
  • Conducted experiments to analyse soil carbon and nutrients (i.e., microbial biomass, available, and total nitrogen and phosphorous), soil biotic groups (i.e., bacteria, fungi, and soil fauna), soil functions related to carbon and nutrient cycling (i.e., litter decomposition rates, enzymatic activities, nutrient accumulation rates, and soil faunal activity), and other soil properties (i.e., pH, moisture content, bulk density, texture, etc.)
  • Synthesized large volumes of information, identifying key trends and patterns of the effects of degradation on the relationship between plant and soil attributes
  • Performed quantitative analysis of data using multivariate analyses in R.
  • Identified key soil indicators (i.e., common and plant community specific) that are convenient, accurate, and cost-effective to represent the ecosystem health
  • Handled high-tech instruments such as the TOC-L Analyzer, Gas Chromatograph (GC), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometer, and Microplate Fluorometer.
  • Presented research findings at conferences, raising the profile of the institution.

Research Assistant

National Institute of Fundamental Studies
Sri Lanka
10.2013 - 01.2019
  • Estimated soil carbon stocks and nutrients in different vegetation types (i.e., montane forests, sub-montane forests, moist monsoon forests, open and sparse forests, grasslands, and forest plantations) and soil groups covering the entire Knuckles Forest Region (21,000 ha) and created maps for carbon stocks.
  • Handled high-tech instruments such as Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), UV-Spectrophotometer, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer, Elemental Analyzer (CHN) and Kjeldahl apparatus, etc.
  • Organized research materials, maintaining a well-ordered workspace conducive to productivity.
  • Conducted literature reviews to support hypothesis development and identify gaps in existing knowledge.
  • Collaborated with other research projects related to soil carbon sequestration in agricultural lands and botanical gardens
  • Presented research outcomes in national, and international conferences
  • Published research outcomes in peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Supervised undergraduates and masters students for research


Ph.D. - Soil Science

Western Sydney University

M.Phil. - Environmental Science

University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka

Bachelor of Science (Applied Sciences) - Environmental Sciences And Natural Resource Manage

Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka


  • Qualitative Research
  • Research design
  • Data Collections
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Interpretation
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Problem-Solving
  • Time Management


1. Introduction to Machine Learning using R: Classification (online course), Intersect Australia, University of South Australia, 10-11 July, 2024.

2. Advanced R Course, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, September 2021

3. Fundamental R Course, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, September 2019

4. 16th Advanced Short Course on “GIS and Applications” conducted by Post Graduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya, March 3- 8, 2014

Additional Information

Associate Member of British Society of Soil Science (BSSS), United Kingdom

Member of Sri Lanka Academy of Young Scientists (SLAYS)

Research Publications

Peer Reviewed Journals

1. Rajapaksha, K., Horton, B., Hewitt, A.C., Powell, J.R., Nielsen, U.N., Carrillo, Y. (2025). Abovegroundbelowground linkages across vegetation degradation gradients differ among native eucalypt communities. Science of The Total Environment, 963, p.178525.

2. Birnbaum, C., Dearnaley, J., Egidi, E., Frew, A., Hopkins, A., Powell, J., Aguilar-Trigueros, C., Liddicoat, C., Albornoz, F., Heuck, M.K., Dadzie, F.A., Florence, L., Singh, P., Mansfield, T., Rajapaksha, K., Stewart, J., Rallo, P., Peddle, S.D., Chiarenza, G. (2023). Integrating soil microbial communities into fundamental ecology, conservation, and restoration: examples from Australia: Ecological Society of Australia (ESA) and Society of Conservation Biology Oceania (SCBO) joint Conference, Wollongong, Australia, 28 November-2 December 2022. The New phytologist.

3. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Karunaratne, S.B., Biswas, A., Paul, K., Madawala, H.M.S.P., Gunathilake, S.K. and Ratnayake, R.R. (2020). Identifying the spatial drivers and scale-specific variations of soil organic carbon in tropical ecosystems: A case study from Knuckles Forest Reserve in Sri Lanka. Forest Ecology and Management, 474, p.118285.

4. Ratnayake, R.R., Chamari Dinusha, Ekanayake Sumith, Rajapaksha, K., Karunaratne, S.B., Wasantha Kumara, K.L. (2020). Impact of the establishment of a botanical garden on soil carbon sequestration and nutrient availability in tropical soils. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 66(7): 1015-1026.

5. Ratnayake, R.R., Perera, B.M.A.C.A., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Ekanayake, E.M.H.G.S., Gunaratne, H.M.A.C. (2017). Soil carbon sequestration and nutrient status of tropical rice-based cropping systems: Rice-Rice, Rice-Soya, Rice-Onion, and Rice-Tobacco in Sri Lanka. Catena, 150: 17–23.

6. Ratnayake, R.R., Karunaratne, S.B., Lessels, J.S., Yogenthiran, N., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Gnanavelrajah, N. (2016). Digital soil mapping of organic carbon concentration in paddy growing soils of Northern Sri Lanka. Geoderma Regional, 7: 167–176.

7. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Ranasinghe, P.N., Wijesundara, D.T.D.S., Amarasinghe, C., Hewawasam, T. (2014). Paleo-coastal evolution of southwest Sri Lanka during the Holocene from lagoonal sedimentary records. Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka, 16: 127-138.

Conference Proceedings

1. Rajapaksha, K., Hewitt, A., Horton, B., Powell, J., Nielsen, U., Carrillo, Y. Monitoring threatened plant communities in the Sydney Basin Bioregion: Are the available indices related to Belowground nutrients, biota, or functions?. Cumberland Plain Research Symposium, Western Sydney University, Australia. July 4, 2024.

2. Nielsen, U.N., Bristol, D., Raupp, P., Ross, G., Rajapaksha, K., Franklin, M. Incorporating knowledge of soil biological and functional attributes in ecological restoration. Ecological Society of Australia. Melbourne, VIC, Australia. 9-13 December 2024. (Submitted).

3. Rajapaksha, K., Hewitt, A., Horton, B., Powell, J., Nielsen, U., Carrillo, Y. Contrasting effects of native plant community types on soil biota across a degradation gradient in the Sydney Bioregion. The joint conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the Society for Conservation Biology Oceania (ESA-SCBO 2022). Wollongong, NSW. Australia. 28 November-2 December 2022.

4. Raupp, P., Hassan, K., Rajapaksha, K., Horton, B., Hewitt, A., Powell, J., Nielsen, U., Carrillo, Y. Rooting for success: examining below and above-ground drivers of plant establishment for ecological restoration. 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration. Darwin, Australia. September 26-30, 2023.

5. Rajapaksha, K., Horton, B., Powell, J., Nielsen, U., Carrillo, Y. Contrasting effects of disturbance on soil biota across native woodland community types in Sydney bioregion. HDR Candidate and Masters Virtual Forum. Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, WSU, Australia. June 14-17, 2022.

6. Rajapaksha, K., Horton, B., Powell, J., Nielsen, U., Carrillo, Y. Ecological disturbances affect soil food web and nutrient availability differently across woodland ecosystems in varying conditions. Saving our Species Science and Research Symposium (Digital). NSW, Australia. June 17, 2021. (Poster)

7. Rajapaksha, K., Horton, B., Powell, J., Nielsen, U., Carrillo, Y. Ecological disturbances affect soil food web and nutrient availability differently across woodland ecosystems in varying conditions. HDR Candidate and Masters Virtual Forum. Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, WSU, Australia. June 8-11, 2021. (Poster)

8. Rajapaksha, K., Horton, B., Powell, J., Nielsen, U., Carrillo, Y. Relationship between aboveground and belowground communities across different ecological health conditions in woodland ecosystems. HDR Candidate and Masters Virtual Forum, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, WSU, Australia. June 15-19, 2020.

9. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Karunaratne, S.B., Biswas, A., Ratnayake, R.R. Identifying the spatial drivers and scale-specific variations of soil carbon fractions in a montane natural forest ecosystem in Sri Lanka. Pedometrics. Guelph, Canada. June 2-6, 2019.

10. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Karunaratne, S., Biswas, A., Ratnayake, R.R. Identifying the spatial drivers and scale specific variations of soil carbon in montane natural forest ecosystems in Sri Lanka. 21st World Congress of Soil Science. Rio da Janeiro, Brazil. August 12-17, 2018.

11. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Madawala, H.M.S.P., Gunathilake, S.K., Ratnayake, R.R. Soil organic carbon content and its effect on available soil nutrients in Knuckles Conservation Forest of Sri Lanka. 2nd International Conference on Climate Change. Colombo, Sri Lanka. February 15-16, 2018.

12. Chamari, P.W.D., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Kumara, K.L.W., Ratnayake, R.R. Impact of the establishment of botanical garden on soil carbon content in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. 2nd International Conference on Climate Change. Colombo, Sri Lanka. February 15-16, 2018.

13. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Madawala, H.M.S.P., Gunathilake, S.K., Ratnayake, R.R. Soil nutrient availability in different vegetation types of Knuckles conservation forest in Sri Lanka. International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences. Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. October 20, 2017. (ISBN: 978-955-704-061-5).

14. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Madawala, H.M.S.P., Gunathilake, S.K., Ratnayake, R.R. Estimation and mapping the spatial distribution of soil carbon stores: A study from Tropical Forest Reserve in Sri Lanka. 6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter. Harpenden, United Kingdom. September 3-7, 2017.

15. Perera, B.M.A.C.A., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Ekanayake, E.M.H.G.S., Ratnayake, R.R. Effect of tropical rice-based farming systems on soil carbon stocks and soil organic matter quality in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. 6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter. Harpenden, United Kingdom. September 3-7, 2017.

16. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Madawala, H.M.S.P., Gunathilake, S.K., Ratnayake, R.R. Assessment of soil C stocks among different landuse types in Knuckles Forest Region, Sri Lanka. Frontiers in Earth and Climate Sciences. A Conclave of Young Scientists in Central and South Asian Region. Bangalore, India. December 5-7, 2016.

17. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Saputhanthri, S.D., Madawala, H.M.S.P., Gunathilake, S.K., Ratnayake, R.R. Soil C sequestration of forest-cardamom systems in Knuckles Forest Range, Sri Lanka. 16th Conference of the Science Council of Asia. Colombo, Sri Lanka, May 30 - June 01, 2016. (ISBN: 978-955-590-123-9).

18. Perera, B.M.A.C.A., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Ekanayake, E.M.H.G.S., Ratnayake, R.R. Estimation of soil carbon stocks of tropical rice based cropping systems: rice-rice, rice-soya, rice-onion and rice tobacco in Sri Lanka. International Research Symposium on Blue Green Economy and Environment, BMICH, Colombo. October 17-19, 2016.

19. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Madawala, H.M.S.P., Gunathilake, S.K., Ratnayake, R.R. Soil carbon fractions in different landuse types of Lakegala area in the Knuckles Forest of Sri Lanka. Wayamba International Conference, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka. August 19-20, 2016. (ISBN: 978-955-4079-53-9).

20. Chamari, P.W.D., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Kumara, K.L.W., Ratnayake, R.R. Changes in soil carbon sequestration and some nutrient and microbial parameters in a newly formed dry zone botanical garden in Hambantota, Sri Lanka. Wayamba International Conference, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka. August 19-20, 2016. (ISBN: 978-955-4079-53-9).

21. Ranawake, R.B.K., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Gunathilake, S.K., Udaya Kumara, E.P.N., Ratnayake, R.R. Extraction and characterization of humic substances from soils under different cropping systems of paddy in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. PGIS Research Congress, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, October 7-8, 2016. (ISBN: 978-955-8787-09-0).

22. Kangaraarachchi, B., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Ratnayake, R.R. Carbon stocks and carbon fractions in paddy fields of Polonnaruwa district of Sri Lanka. PGIS Research Congress, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, October 7-8, 2016. (ISBN: 978-955-8787-09-0).

23. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Saputhanthri, S.D., Ratnayake, R.R., Gunathilake, S.K., Madawala, H.M.S.P. Soil carbon sequestration and nutrient status of different landuse types in Knuckles Mountain range, Sri Lanka. International Forestry and Environment Symposium, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, October 16-17, 2015. (ISSN: 2235-9427).

24. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Madawala, H.M.S.P., Gunathilake, S.K., Ratnayake, R.R. (2015). Soil organic carbon fractions in disturbed and undisturbed forest sites in Riverston area of Knuckles Forest Region. PGIS Research Congress, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, October 9-10, 2015. (ISBN: 978-955-8787-07-6).

25. Ranasinghe, P.N., Tharanath Ambillapitiya, Senevirathne, B.M.C.K., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Jayaratne, Y.N. Signatures of pre-2004 Indian ocean tsunami events from Sri Lanka. GSA Annual Meeting in BaltimoreAt: Maryland, USA. November 2015.

26. Ratnayake, R.R., Perera, B.M.A.C., Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Ekanayake, E.M.H.G.S., Gunaratne, H.M.A.C., Kumara, R.K.G.K. Soil carbon sequestration and nutrient statuses of rice-based farming systems in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. 2nd International Symposium on Driving Research towards Economy Opportunities and Challenges. Sri Lanka Academy of Young Scientists in partnership with National Institute of Fundamental Studies and Coordinating Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation. Kandy, Sri Lanka. November 13-14, 2014.

27. Rajapaksha, R.P.S.K., Ranasinghe, P.N., Hewawasam, A.L.T. Paleo-environmental evolution of Ratgama lagoon in Galle during the Holocene and abrupt coastal events. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. December 2-6, 2013. (ISSN: 1391-0248).

Kumari Rajapaksha