Work History

Lisa DiGiovanni

Sunshine Coast,QLD


Innovative Clinical Social Worker dedicated to establishing strong rapport with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Respectful and compassionate professional offering 20 plus years experience with expertise in Mental health, counselling, families/individuals centre based and community outreach, group facilitation clinical mental health.


years of professional experience

Work History

Social Worker/Mental Health Clinician

Eden Private Rehabilitation Hospital
01.2022 - Current
  • Facilitate day patient group programs ( DBT,ACT, CBT)
  • Development and Facilitator of inpatient mental health clinical group program
  • Provision of mental health focused counselling/brief interventions re grief, loss, role transition, adjustment issues.
  • Provision of one on one mental health therapeutic skills based interventions.
  • Social work discharge planning/liaising with external stakeholders/ referrals to community based services
  • Participate in multi-disciplinary case conferences
  • Facilitate family conference meetings
  • Provide clinical social work consultations to clinical staff re complex needs/co morbidity patient presentations

Mental Health Clinician

Stride Hub Mental Health Service
01.2020 - 01.2022
  • Provide focused psychological strategies to individuals referred presenting with complex, chronic mental health conditions.
  • Provision of evidence based psychological and psychosocial therapeutic group interventions: Dialectical behavioural Therapy, Acceptance, and commitment Therapy
  • Provide individual counselling and Therapeutic skills sessions face to face, phone, or Telehealth.
  • Provision of risk assessments, development and implementation of appropriate crisis response and safety plans.
  • Consultation, liaison and linkage with external service systems, included supported referrals.
  • Provision and documentation of mental health assessments, including completion of mental state examination, case formulations, relapse prevention plans and individual treatment planning.

Multi-systemic Family Therapist

Uniting, Multi-systemic Therapy for child abuse and neglect Program
01.2017 - 01.2020
  • Provision of intensive treatment in the home to families, children and adolescents presenting with serious clinical/complex needs to address high risk concerns related to abuse and neglect over a 6-12-month period.
  • Delivery of specific clinical treatments CBT informed targeting; anxiety, depression PTSD, substance and alcohol abuse (inc drug screens), parental psychological /physical aggression, neglect, squalor and hoarding, family problem solving, communication, and emotional regulation skills.
  • Conduct Psycho-social Assessments, Behavioural functional analysis, safety/risk assessments, MST CAN treatment conceptualisation, reviews, and evaluations.
  • Conduct observations, develop, and implement behavioural plans in home/school classrooms. 24/7 on call roster system
  • Case coordination and Collaboration with key stakeholders, services and extended family members

Youth and Family Counsellor

Your Town, Starfish Program
01.2016 - 01.2017
  • Provision of intensive case management, assessment, and interventions to children and young people identified with multiple, complex needs that are at risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes.
  • Delivering counselling services in schools and/or with in the home.
  • Provision of individual and family relationship counselling.
  • Providing assessment, case planning, support, psycho- education, therapeutic interventions, and coaching for parents of children and youth referred to the service.
  • Development, facilitation, and evaluation of group work activities

Complex Case Coordinator

Transfield Services/Broad Spectrum
01.2014 - 01.2016
  • Provide holistic, strengths based, therapeutic, client centred case coordination
  • Crisis response, manage and support security services re suicide attempts and self-harm incidents.
  • Conduct interviews utilising interpreter services
  • Assessment, development and review of individual case management plans, psychosocial and risk assessment.
  • Develop and implement complex needs behavioural management plans in conjunction with other stakeholders.
  • Provide best practice trauma informed psychological strategies/ interventions to address physical, emotional and mental health deterioration and behaviours associated with institutionalisation.
  • Referral, liaising and collaborating with various stakeholders.
  • Supervise, Mentoring and coaching of local PNG Case Manager Assistants.

Family Counsellor

Mission Australia
01.2013 - 01.2014

Senior Social Worker

Department of Education
01.2011 - 01.2013

Team leader & Service Manager

Mission Australia
01.2009 - 01.2011


Advanced DBT Training -

Dr Peter King Director DBT Institute
Brisbane, QLD

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training -

DR Russ Harris 6 Week Intensive
Brisbane, QLD

Cert IV Family Group Conference Facilitation (Indigenous And Cultural Specific) -

Centre For Community Welfare Training
Ballina, NSW

Bachelor of Social Work -

University of Tasmania
Hobart, Tasmania


  • Risk Assessment
  • Psychosocial Assessment
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Behavioural Intervention Plans (BIP)
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Multicultural competence
  • Individual and Group Counselling
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Strengths-Based Solution-Focused Therapy
  • Treatment Planning
  • Individual and Group Counselling
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Strengths-Based Solution-Focused Therapy
  • Treatment Planning


Mathew Rowe, Director of clinical services, Eden private hospital,, 07 54726472

Elisabeth Schuck, Senior Clinical Psychologist MPSYCH MAPS, Private practice (previously Eden private hospital),, 0447073551

John Turnbull, Manager of Allied health, Eden private hospital,, 0421810974


Social Worker/Mental Health Clinician

Eden Private Rehabilitation Hospital
01.2022 - Current

Mental Health Clinician

Stride Hub Mental Health Service
01.2020 - 01.2022

Multi-systemic Family Therapist

Uniting, Multi-systemic Therapy for child abuse and neglect Program
01.2017 - 01.2020

Youth and Family Counsellor

Your Town, Starfish Program
01.2016 - 01.2017

Complex Case Coordinator

Transfield Services/Broad Spectrum
01.2014 - 01.2016

Family Counsellor

Mission Australia
01.2013 - 01.2014

Senior Social Worker

Department of Education
01.2011 - 01.2013

Team leader & Service Manager

Mission Australia
01.2009 - 01.2011

Advanced DBT Training -

Dr Peter King Director DBT Institute

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training -

DR Russ Harris 6 Week Intensive

Cert IV Family Group Conference Facilitation (Indigenous And Cultural Specific) -

Centre For Community Welfare Training

Bachelor of Social Work -

University of Tasmania
Lisa DiGiovanni