Work History




Experienced anthropologist with a solid background in academic instruction and varied research methodologies. Proficient in creating captivating lesson plans that make a lasting impression and cultivating a cooperative learning atmosphere. Noted for adaptability and unwavering dedication to student achievement, employing innovative teaching techniques and successful collaboration.


years of professional experience

Work History


01.2025 - Current
  • Development of syllabus for POLI 3101 SYAU First Nations and Post-Colonial Governance
  • Evaluated student progress through regular assessments, providing detailed feedback for improvement and growth
  • Selected and designed lesson plans and curriculum to meet academic objectives
  • Increased student interest by incorporating real-world examples into lessons and connecting material to relevant experiences
  • Mentored and advised students to explore career pathways based and amplify knowledge, skills and strengths
  • Created and designed assessments and projects to assess student knowledge
  • Enhanced student comprehension by utilizing diverse teaching methodologies and techniques

Seasonal Academic

University of Sydney
01.2017 - Current
  • Tutor- ANTH 1002 Anthropology in the World, ANTH2605 Aboriginal Australia: Cultural Journeys, ANTH 2630 Indigenous Australians and Modernity and WRIT 1000 Academic Writing
  • Lecturer- ANTH 1002 Anthropology in the World and ANTH2605 Aboriginal Australia: Cultural Journeys
  • Lecturing- research and compilation of lecture material and presentation of lectures
  • Tutorials-research and compilation of lecture material and presentation of tutorials
  • Assist students with academic problems, queries or their study
  • Assist course coordinator where required
  • Increased student comprehension by utilizing personalized teaching methods and adapting to individual learning styles
  • Provided constructive feedback on assignments, helping students improve their writing and problem-solving skills
  • Tutored diverse groups of students to strengthen subject comprehension, boost confidence, and build important learning skills
  • Enhanced students'' understanding of subject matter by incorporating real-world examples into lessons

Independent Consultant Anthropologist

Consultant Anthropologist, Australia
01.2014 - Current
  • Native title consultant anthropologist
  • Wonnarua Traditional Custodians (WTC) Preliminary Connection Report (2015) and WTC Supplementary Preliminary Connection Report (2016) supplied to the State in support of a native title claim on behalf of the Wonnarua claimants
  • Ethnographic research
  • Desktop, genealogical and connection research with the Wonnarua native title claimants
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to successfully deliver comprehensive solutions for claimants

Post Graduate Teaching Fellow

University of Sydney
01.2024 - 12.2024
  • Lecturing FASS 3999 Interdisciplinary Impact- research and compilation of lecture material and presentation of lectures
  • Seminars- research and compilation of lecture material and presentation of seminars
  • Provided constructive feedback on assignments, helping students improve their writing and problem-solving skills
  • Completed administrative and research duties per course coordinator
  • Participated in lesson planning and curriculum implementation to promote quicker rollout and delivery
  • Liaised between faculty and students to answer questions and optimise faculty time
  • Liaised between faculty and students to answer questions and optimize faculty time

Anthropology Lecturer (temporary)

New York University
01.2019 - 12.2019
  • Filled in for the Senior Lecturer-Aboriginal Anthropology at the Sydney NYU campus
  • Selected and designed lesson plans and curriculum to meet academic objectives
  • Provided constructive feedback on assignments, helping students improve their writing and problem-solving skills
  • Provided students with academic support for their queries related to their study
  • Cultivated critical thinking skills through challenging assignments that required analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information from various sources
  • Evaluated student progress through regular assessments, providing detailed feedback for improvement and growth

Anthropologist, Social Impact Specialist

Hatch Associates
01.2011 - 12.2014
  • Ethnographic research and submission of findings to international standards
  • Project management
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Preparation, drafting and submission of proposals for cultural heritage, social impact, community consultation and environmental work
  • Strategic advice in relation to potential work, cultural heritage, social impact, community consultation and environmental issues
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to achieve project goals on time and within budget
  • Prepared, drafted and submitted cultural heritage, social impact and community consultation baseline studies, impact assessments and management plans to international standards
  • Identified and building relationships with sub-consultants
  • Implemented new training programs for staff, leading to higher employee retention rates and better overall performance
  • Developed training materials to enhance staff proficiency and productivity


Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation
01.2009 - 12.2011
  • Claim and heritage anthropologist for Ngarluma, Kariyarra, Ngarla, Njamal, Palyku and Nyiyaparli native title claim groups
  • Ethnographic surveys for proponents, drafting and submission of results to stakeholders
  • Registration of sites with DIA and mapping of exclusion zones
  • Planning and management of anthropological research (archival, desktop and/or field) and report delivery pursuant to legal briefs
  • Consultation with Traditional Owners on a daily basis
  • Stakeholder consultation
  • Project management
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration


Ph.D. - Anthropology

University of Sydney
Camperdown, NSW

BA. Hons. - Anthropology

University of Queensland

B.A. - Anthropology and Archaeology

University of Queensland


  • Research and analysis
  • Academic research
  • Academic writing
  • Class management
  • Course development
  • Student engagement

  • Subject expertise
  • Academic advisement
  • Feedback delivery
  • Expert knowledge of Family Tree Maker
  • Knowledge of File Maker Pro 8
  • Knowledge of GIS and GPS


  • Australian Anthropological Association, 01/01/09 - Present
  • International Association for Impact Assessment, 01/01/11 - Present
  • The Social Impact Analyst (SIA) Association, 01/01/11 - Present
  • Centre for Social Impact, 01/01/11 - Present


Full Professional
Native or Bilingual



01.2025 - Current

Post Graduate Teaching Fellow

University of Sydney
01.2024 - 12.2024

Anthropology Lecturer (temporary)

New York University
01.2019 - 12.2019

Seasonal Academic

University of Sydney
01.2017 - Current

Independent Consultant Anthropologist

Consultant Anthropologist, Australia
01.2014 - Current

Anthropologist, Social Impact Specialist

Hatch Associates
01.2011 - 12.2014


Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation
01.2009 - 12.2011

BA. Hons. - Anthropology

University of Queensland

B.A. - Anthropology and Archaeology

University of Queensland

Ph.D. - Anthropology

University of Sydney