Hello and thank you for considering me! I have just graduated University with my Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts. I'm a dedicated, hard worker with the hopes to one day run my own business, hopefully something in the art world. something like and art gallery or studio would be a dream come true but i have much to learn! Especially in non volunteer customer based work but i am eager to learn. I know it's a little 'hippie' of me but also hold the belief that all life experience can be incorporated into mine and other artist art, this including what work you've done and the people you've met along the way.
I am currently a team member at the cotton on DC warehouse. Here I have a variety of responsibilities as I have been trained in nearly every area. In busy periods I also assist in managing the area I'm in the most, as well as helping train both new employees and co-workers in new skills. I have loved learning so much from working here! This includes things like working with machinery, logistics and fast paced work due to the time constraints of working in the online orders department. This job has also helped me learn to be adaptable and highlighted the importance of team work and communication both in and out of the workplace.
For a few months before my final year of Uni picked back up i worked as a housekeeper. Here I cleaned rooms as guests left as well as cleaned public areas within the resort. This included our in house gym, restaurant and bathrooms periodically throughout the day. Another duty of mine was to check in on the guests needs during their stay.
I have been an active volunteering member of Anglesea Surf lifesaving club since 2018 however I have been apart of the organisation since 2016. my current role in the club is mainly youth training based.
Kaigacon is extremely similar to Comicon but is strictly for artists and craft makers and is held twice a year but i unfortunately have only worked two of the three they've held in Melbourne so far.
Due to my experience with the ticketing systems used at splendour I, among many others, have been contacted to work at other music festivals across Australia. I've been lucky enough to work at Good things two years in a row now
Comic-con is a three day event every July and again in December (X-mas con) and was my introduction to event work as well as volunteering for something other than surf life saving. It also opened me up to so many other opportunities.
Splendour was my first working music festival and I've been addicted since. It was a four-day event but I was dedicated to go and drove from Melbourne to Byron bay and back and it was the best two weeks of my life. Working there was incredibly enjoyable and rewarding.