Reliable Intern studying electrical engineering seeks a work opportunity to expand skills and gain valuable practical experience.
Name: Peter Liu
Position: Sale and marketing manager
Company: The food Revolution group
Telephone: 0415-430-098
Chen, H., Liu, M., Li, A., & Chan, E. H. (2023). Microwave Frequency Dividers With Reconfigurable Fractional 2/N and 3/N Division Ratios. IEEE Access, 11, 29128-29137.
Li, A., Chan, E. H., Liu, M., & Chen, H. (2024). Photonic-assisted RF phase difference detector with full 0° to 360° phase detection capability. Applied Optics, 63(19), 5144-5149.
Huang, C., Liu, M., Chen, H., Chen, H., & Chan, E. H. (2024). Simple photonics-based angle of arrival and Doppler frequency shift measurement system for long baseline antennas. Optics Express, 32(23), 41936-41947.
Chen, H., Chen, H., Li, A., Liu, M., & Chan, E. H. (2024). Simple and reconfigurable photonics-based half adder and half subtracter. Optics Communications, 555, 130206.