I have effectively been in sales for 15 years. Both Phone & Face to Face.
My approach to sales is very question & consultative based opposed to the traditional product pushing sales people.
My mantra in Sales is "Always be Disarming"
Sales resistance is at an all time high in 2024. Prospects are sacred of Sales people & trust is at an all time low.
Disarming the initial resistance is crucial. I use questions to help prospects open up &. Engage. This helps bring pain points to the surface so they see more value & urgency in our solution. I have no fear about to asking for business on the day if need be, and can objective handle effectively without resistance.
I have effective follow up techniques that have seen more win more follow up business then colleagues in the past.
This methods have helped me become in the top realm of sales people in most organisations. These methods I have also passed onto people that have gone onto improve sales numbers.