Dynamic Registered Midwife with extensive experience at Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, excelling in antenatal and postpartum care. Skilled at working both autonomously and within a team using effective communication, I have successfully supported women through antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care, aiming to enhance maternal health outcomes through collaborative teamwork and comprehensive patient education. Passionate about empowering women during the perinatal period.
This role is a full time rotating position, I have worked across a range of areas in Women and Children's Health. These areas include:
- Antenatal Clinic: Completing booking in visits and running a hospital based clinic for low risk women, this role involves working autonomously and within a multidisciplinary team to provide antenatal care.
- Antenatal ward: Working with high risk women to provide monitoring and care. This role involves caring for women with a range of pregnancy related conditions including: pre eclampsia, TPL, PPROM, IUGR babies, Women with abnormal doppler flows and cholestasis. This role also involves caring for women experiencing FDIUs and Termination of pregnancies
- Postnatal Ward: Caring for women and their babies in the early postpartum stage. This role involves working in a team nursing environment and performing a range of duties including monitoring and observation of postpartum women, reviewing blood work, Postpartum care and education, breastfeeding and feeding support, monitoring and observation of newborn babies, newborn cares and management of hypoglycaemia in newborns.
- Midwifery at Home: This role involves visiting women in their homes to provide care to both the mother and her newborn. The role also focuses on providing postpartum education to mothers. Skills developed in this role include: providing breastfeeding and feeding support, newborn weights, jaundice checks, newborn screening, postnatal checks, newborn checks and education
- Birth unit: This role involves working in the birth unit to support women during labour, birth and postpartum. It involves collaboration between multidisciplinary teams. This role includes: working in the women's assessment unit to triage and assess women who present with complications in pregnancy, supporting women through labour birth and the early postpartum period, managing labour and complications whilst working closely with the obstetric team
This role allowed me to complete my graduate diploma of midwifery. During this year I gained experience working across areas of the women and children's department. This role allowed me to work as a student midwife and gave me essential knowledge and skills in supporting women through the perinatal period. Areas which this role included are:
- Antenatal Clinic
- Antenatal Ward
- Postnatal Ward
- Birth Unit
This role was a rotational position completed as part of my new graduate year as a registered nurse. This role allowed me to gain fundamental skills in caring for patients admitted to an acute mental health unit. These skills included:
- Completing Mental State examinations
- Administering anti-psychotic medications
- Administering depot medications
- Completing routine observations and checks
- Developing an understanding of the mental health act
- De-escalating aggressive behaviours
- Working to develop care plans for individuals with mental health disorders
This role was a rotational position as part of my new graduate year as a registered nurse, it involved working closely with medical teams to provide care for critically ill patients. This role allowed me to develop many critical nursing skills along with working in a multidisciplinary team. Skills developed during this role include:
- Accessing PICC lines and CVCs
- Removal and dressing changes of PICC lines and CVCs
- Administration of high risk medications
- Administration and monitoring of vasopressors
- Blood transfusions
- Blood product infusions
- Care of patients with ICP monitoring
- Care of patients with chest drains, removal of chest drains
- Care of patients with CPAP and High Flow oxygen
- Arterial lines, removal of arterial lines
- IDC insertion and removal
This role was a rotational position as part of my new graduate year as a registered nurse. This role involved working with geriatric medical patients in an acute ward setting, gaining experience with basic nursing cares as well as working in a team nursing environment. Skills developed in this role included:
- Nursing cares such as bed making, showers, bed baths, toileting
- Patient assessments and observations
- Medications administration
- Caring for patients with oxygen requirements
- Caring for medically complex patients
- Aged care
- Discharge planning
- Palliative care