I am a very high achiever, I set very high goals for myself and I haven't ever not reached one, I have a background in quality assurance and I have a eye for detail and profection, I have knollege of prosseses and procedures and have set up processing rooms for companies and trained staff in the past, I strive for proformance and I love efficiency, I am a very fit and healthy person which means I'm usually alot quicker than most at a task but I am also very smart and love problem solving so I am confident in expressing ideas to improve proformance, I love encouraging people around me and love the satisfaction of doing a hard day's work and going home knowing I gave it my all
Restocking shelves, cleaning, organising and checking and applying security tags
Cleaning cabins, making beds and general cleaning
Picking apples
I worked in the cold room and I have worked in the filliting room, packing and grading salmon, knife skills and sharpening
Great time manegment skills
Enjoys working in a team environment
Positive attitude and very motivated
Does everything to a very high standard
Always adheres to company OH&S and company policies
Lives a very fit and healthy life style
Enjoys a good challenge and likes learning new things
Certificate 3 in Quality Assurance
Working with Vulnerable peoples card
Certificate 3 in Quality Assurance
Working with Vulnerable peoples card