My name is Sascha and I am a young enthusiastic role model who is passionate about travel and loves to teach and inspire others. I would love to have the opportunity to learn, work as a part of a team, and provide customer service. Due to my unique travel experience and contribution towards martial arts, communities and the environment, I have gained valuable skills demonstrating confidence, communication and flexibility which I now utilise everyday.
Teaching children & adults of all abilities and lifestyles lessons and skills for personal safety, fitness and fun. Delivering classes & class planning, communicating to members and parents, as well as devising seminars in the greater community.
Working as a project head of 3 specialised programs (Martial Arts , Guitar & Film) Where I created and devised daily class plans, creating achievements and end of session shows/displays to encourage the kids, other counsellors and camp staff. I would always encourage, plan events, look after cabins and doing extra activities such as wilderness trips.
Serving and speaking to customers, cleaning records/ shelves, buying a selling items, posting to social media accounts & replying to enquires online .
Merazonia Wildlife Sanctuary - Wildlife Rescue Volunteer
Andes/ Amazon Jungle, Ecuador - March 2023
I contributed to helping Ecuadorian rescue animals in a hands off approach to rehabilitate these animals back into the wild. I cut leaves & trees, prepared food, collect supplies, create and build feeders and enrichment's, labour work and detailing cages. As well as participating in sport learning Spanish and cooking in the community.
International Martial Arts School - Seminar week
Omaha, Nebraska USA
Volunteered my time with an affiliated Martial Arts school
Worldwide Friends- Veraldarvinir - Environmental Volunteer
Stadur, Iceland - September March 2023
I volunteered in a beach cleaning project in Iceland for a month, I would recycle, dispose, and counting materials whilst engaging with the local communities and farmers amongst the rural west of Iceland. During my time in this project I would take leading roles creating activities with the other volunteers (such as just dance nights, cultural nights, game nights, movie nights).
Reykjavik International Film Festival (RIFF) - Event Volunteer
Reykjavik, Iceland- October
I was selected to volunteer at the Reykjavik International through the worldwide friends organisation to volunteer for Reykjavik's independent cinema . I worked in customer service, ticket sales & scanning, working at the concession stand selling and making food, and helping and carrying equipment.
Clean Vibes - Festival Volunteer
'Welcome To Rockville' Florida, USA- May
I cleaned and organised spaces for the VIP lounges and artist lounges. I walked around and picked up rubbish, engaged in conversations amongst the attendees at the festival and promoted the Clean Vibes Organisation by speaking with volunteer project heads in the USA.
Vuelo Vintage Goods - Festival Retail Volunteer
Australian Music Festivals (Syd, Vic, Qld, WA) • NYE
I set/pack up stalls, promote and sell vintage goods with Vuelo and have the oppertunity to work at festivals throughout Australia (Falls, Lost Paradise, Jammin Festival, Knotfest, and Laneway) | walk around the festival with water sprayers, pamphlets and promote the stall.