I'm an Accounting student with a solid background in accounting principles, tax preparation, and budget management. I’m comfortable with regulatory compliance and enjoy analyzing financial data. I’m good at solving problems, managing my time, and adapting to fast-paced environments. I'm happy to use these skills to contribute to team and gain real-world experience. I’m always eager to learn and ready to learn new skills
Volunteering :
Brisbane Festival 2024, The Queensland Government
UQ Volunteer, UQ Union
Sunshine State Project, MASCA Queensland
PWC, Corporate Tax Job Simulation
I love spending time alone listening to music, taking photographs, and documenting nature and life. I want to develop my editing skills by creating cinematic photography to show people exactly how I see the world. Additionally, I enjoy talking to people to gain new knowledge, especially when I'm far from home
Tyas Kusumaningtyas, Spotless (M.Kusumaningtyas@spotless.com.au, +61418279757)
PWC, Corporate Tax Job Simulation