I am a passionate and experienced Mental Health Researcher. Primarily, I am a pragmatist and I am interested leveraging my research to improve the lives of those with mental health issues.My work has focused on depression, suicide prevention, evaluation of mental health systems and informatics.
I enjoy designing and conducting research projects. I have an eye for detail and enjoy constructing effective and efficient systems for data collection. I have extensive experience conducting quantitative analysis of both statistical and epidemiological data. I am a competent academic writer and an author on 15 peer reviewed publications.
Pathways in place is a $11 million dollar funded, research program.
Published Research (peer-reviewed)
Metrics relating to these publications (number of citations etc.) can be viewed on Google Scholar by searching “Annette L Graham” (link: Annette L Graham - Google Scholar)
First author publications
Graham, A., Brooker, J., Hasking, P., Clarke, D., & Meadows, G. (2019). Receipt and perceived helpfulness of mental illness information: Findings from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Health Communication 34(1), 39-45.
Graham, A., Hasking, P., Brooker, J., Clarke, D. & Meadows, G. (2016). Mental health service use among those with depression: an exploration using Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Service Use. Journal of Affective Disorders 208, 170-176.
Graham, A., Hasking, P., Clarke, D. & Meadows, G. (2015). How people with depression receive and perceive mental illness information: Findings from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Community Mental Health Journal 51.
Graham A, Julian J, Meadows G (2010) Improving responses to depression and related disorders: evaluation of an innovative, general, mental health care workers training program. International Journal of Mental Health Systems.
Graham, A. (2003). Post-prison Mortality: Unnatural Death Among People Released from Victorian Prisons Between January 1990 and December 1999. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 36(1), 94-108.
Other publications
Davison, T. E., McCabe, M. P., Busija, L., & Graham, A. (2022). Program to Enhance Adjustment to Residential Living (PEARL): Effect on Adjustment, Anxiety, Quality of Life, and Stress. Clinical Gerontologist, 1-13. doi:10.1080/07317115.2022.2100729
Davison, T. E., McCabe, M. P., Busija, L., Martin, C., & Graham, A. (2021). Trajectory and Predictors of Mental Health Symptoms and Wellbeing in Newly Admitted Nursing Home Residents. Clinical Gerontologist, 1-14.
Davison, T. E., McCabe, M. P., Busija, L., Graham, A., Camões-Costa, V., Kelly, J., & Byers, J. (2021). The effectiveness of the Program to Enhance Adjustment to Residential Living (PEARL) in reducing depression in newly admitted nursing home residents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 1067-1075.
Brooker, J., Julian, J., Millar, J., Prince, H. M., Kenealy, M., Herbert, K., Graham, A., Smith, R., Kissane, D., Taylor, K., Frydenberg, M., Porter, I., Fletcher, J., Haines, I., & Burney, S. (2020). A feasibility and acceptability study of an abbreviated version of the Mindful Self-Compassion program for adult cancer survivors. Palliative and Supportive Care.
Kearns, N. P., Shawyer, F., Brooker, J. E., Graham, A. L., Enticott, J. C., Martin, P. R., & Meadows, G. N. (2015). Does rumination mediate the relationship between mindfulness and depressive relapse? Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.
Meadows GN, Shawyer F, Enticott JC, Graham AL, Judd F, Martin PR, Piterman L, Segal, Z (2014) Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for recurrent depression: A translational research study with 2-year follow-up. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.
Brooker, J. E., Webber, L., Julian, J., Shawyer, F., Graham, A., Chan, J., & Meadows, G. (2014). Mindfulness-based training shows promise in assisting staff to reduce their use of restrictive interventions in residential services. Mindfulness, 5(5), 598-603.
Prins, M., G. Meadows, et al. (2010). Perceived need for mental health care and barriers to care in the Netherlands and Australia. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Brendan P. Murphy, Carolyn Simms, Rose-Mary Dowling, Annette Graham, Anne Doherty, & Meadows, G. N. (2009). The development of the Recovery and Prevention of Psychosis Service in Melbourne, Australia. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 3(2), 151-156.
Keks, N. A., Hill, C., Sundram, S., Graham, A., Bellingham, K., Dean, B., et al. (2009). Evaluation of treatment in 35 cases of bipolar suicide. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43(6), 503-508.
Tempier, R., Meadows G, Vasiliadis H, Mosier K, Lesage A, Stiller A, Graham A, Lepnurm M, (2009). “Mental disorders and mental health care in Canada and Australia: comparative epidemiological findings.” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology44(1): 63-72.
Wigglesworth, E., Graham, A., & Routley, V. (2005). Rail-related fatalities in Victoria, Australia. Road and Transport Research, 14(1), 30-37.
Unsworth, C. A., Osberg, J. S., & Graham, A. (1997). Admitting paediatric trauma patients to rehabilitation following acute care: Decision-making practices in the USA and Australia Developmental Neurorehabilitation (formerly Pediatric Rehabilitation), 1(4), 207-218.
Other influential publications not published in peer-reviewed journals
Annette L Graham, Joanne Brooker, Katrina E Hamer, Elizabeth Beasley, Moira Callan, Adams, D., & Julian, J. (2013). A systematic review of mental health training for mental health workers.
Heroin-related overdose project: Inquest into six of the 25 deaths investigated as part of the heroin-related project
This report was the basis of a joint inquest conducted by the State Coroner’s Office of Victoria. It has three sections. Following extensive consultation with the State Coroner, I wrote the bulk of the material contained in Sections A and B while the State Coroner wrote the material contained in section C. Although we wrote this report the material that we presented in this report was painstaking collected by many others, including members of the homicide squad, general members of the Victorian police, pathologists, toxicologists and experts in the drug treatment field.
Study considering, the rate and nature of Victorian suicides and self-inflicted injuries: 1992-1998
This paper was prepared for and presented at the year 2000 Suicide Prevention Conference. At the time of the presentation, it generated some mainstream media coverage (reports about the paper were in the Age and the Australian).
Series of reports that formed part of coronial findings following coronial inquests:
· Deaths in Victoria resulting from the deliberate inhalation of volatile substances January 1989-June 2003
· Changes in the Victorian Suicide Rate
· Victorian Coronial Suicide Statistics
· Victorian Suicides during the year 2000: Initial report focusing on gambling-related issues
· Plastic Bag Asphyxiation: Victorian 1992-20th September 2002
· Suicide prevention from the Westgate Bridge
· Suicide rates of various Victorian geographical regions 1991-2001
During my PhD studies, I received an Australian postgraduate award.
I received a grant from the Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubilee Trust for young Australians that supported my Master’s research work. From the same organisation, I also received the Queen’s Trust Achiever award.
During my Master’s study at Melbourne University, I received a HECS exemption scholarship.
Title: A systematic review of the effectiveness of mental health training programs for mental health staff, Investigators: Graham, A; Brooker J. Funder:(2013) Southeastern Education and Training Cluster (amount $15,000)
Title: Improving and evaluating routine bed state activity reporting instrumentation. Investigators: Meadows, G; Graham, A. Funder: (2005) Department of Human Services (amount $112,000)
Title: Early psychosis programs minimum data set advice and development. Investigators: Meadows, G; Graham, A. Funder: (2005) Department of Human Services (amount $50,000)
Title: Advice and evaluation of improvements in routine activity reporting capabilities. Investigators: Meadows, G; Graham, A. Funder:(2005) Department of Human Services (amount $20,000)
Academic, PhD Supervisor
Associate Professor Penelope Hasking
School of Psychology and Speech Pathology, Health Sciences
Curtin University
Phone: 618 9266 3437
Academic, Colleague
Dr. Joanne E Brooker
The Cairnmillar Institute
Phone: 0419 500 674
Past co-worker,
Mr John Julian
Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Meditation, Mindfulness, Compassion and Mental Health trainer
Phone: 0439 901 795