Highly motivated Human Services professional demonstrates ability to develop and implement successful plans of action to address individual needs. Possesses strong problem-solving skills to reduce barriers. Committed to helping individuals and families.
Elizabeth Sturgess
Headspace Hervey Bay & Maryborough- Service Manager
Phone: 4303 2100
Email: esturgess@wmq.org.au
Ruth Huber
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre- Student Placement Supervisor- Bay Families
Phone: 0403 811 472
Email: bayfamilies@hbnc.com.au
Lauretta Wright
University of Sunshine Coast Tutor
Phone: 0438 199 984
Email: lwright1@usc.edu.au
Sue Vaughn
Foodworks Burrum Heads & Australia Post Burrum Heads Employer
Phone: 0407 585 114