Choosing employment in a difficult industry for so long is due to a philosophical approach that each person has an inherit goodness. Unfortunately, the presentation that is viewed at one point of time carries an unfair judgment of the worth of that person.
What often is excluded is historical trauma that this person lacked control over, and yet, such events have shaped the construct of a psyche that exhibits behaviours or responses requiring intervention from a mental health perspective.
Likewise, whether through employment, involvement with the community of Church Members, or, social groups, the approach taken is to see a person of great worth and attempt to have conversations and interactions that demonstrate this philosophical approach.
Installing hope, building trusting relationships, and developing support systems for individuals is a fundamental approach taken to support individuals in any form of crisis.
Summary of Role
This was a 3 year Pilot Project implemented to minimise the engagement of Emergency Services out of hours where normally there was no access for a home visit from Community Mental Health Services. It included appropriate assessment, risk management and crisis intervention strategies with intent that referrals are sent to community mental health services or that we attend a home visit out of hours and provide support necessary to stabilise the situation.
It also required submission of accurate data to enable the Committee overseeing this project to evaluate the success of this role and whether it was financially and clinically viable to continue the out of hours service.
President Matthew Nairn
Stake President
Australia Modbury Stake
Phone: 0403 805 320
Craig Raeside
Consultant Psychiatrist
Phone: 0438 263 091