Port Agencies Course, STET DIVISION (Maritime Services), Singapore, 06/03/16, Introduction to Maritime-Shipping Industry Course, STET DIVISION (Maritime Services), Singapore, 01/06/16, Container Documentation 1 & 3 Course, PSA Training Center, Singapore, 09/06/16, Data Security Administrator & Vessel Documentation Course, PSA Training Center, Singapore, 03/22/16, English, Good, Good, Good, Myanmar, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, 2019, Singapore Polytechnic, (PACE) Academy, Singapore, Diploma (Conversion) In Shipping Operations & Management, 2009, Nanyang Institute Of Management, Singapore, Diploma In Tourism & Hospitality Management, 2004, University of East Yangon, Myanmar, Degree, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, B.Sc (Chemistry), 2004, Myanmar Computer Center (MCC), Yangon, Myanmar, International Diploma In Computer Studies (IDCS), NCC Education, UK