I am a dedicated and adaptable graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences, with experience across administration, youth coordination, support and customer service roles. Skilled in handling a range of administrative tasks, including data entry, document management, scheduling, and communication. I am eager to further apply and develop my skills, while maintaining a focus on making a positive impact within the community.
In this dual role, I provided administrative support at the St Vincent de Paul Society Tasmania State Office, while coordinating youth programs for the Northern Region of Tasmania.
Administration Officer
Youth Coordinator
In this role, my responsibility is to assist customers with special orders, including sourcing and processing orders for products that are not readily available in the store. I am required to work closely with customers, suppliers, and other team members to ensure timely delivery of special orders, maintain accurate records, and provide customer service.
Key Responsibilities of this role include:
In this role, I work remotely developing, implementing, and maintaining company policies and procedures in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Key responsibilities include:
Prior to working in HR and Admin for Bright Light Mentoring Service, I worked casually as a mentor worker. My role was to provide support and guidance to individuals with mental health issues, helping them to achieve their goals and increase their independence.
Key responsibilities of this role included:
In this role, I worked as a customer service team member.
Key responsibilities included:
Contact: Katie Feeney (katie.feeney@endstreetsleeping.org)
I participated in an outreach program to engage directly with people experiencing homelessness, capturing their stories and linking them with appropriate services. During this time, I completed training on conducting surveys using the By-Name List and the Vi-SPDAT (The Vulnerability Index - Service Prioritisation Assistance Tool) and how to use it to effectively engage with a client.
Contact: Kelly Lane - Service Manager for the Illawarra Homelessness Coordination Service (Kelly.Lane@vinnies.org.au)
Following the End Street Sleeping outreach program, I attended the Wollongong Homeless Hub fortnightly on behalf of the End Street Sleeping Collaboration to connect with individuals who are sleeping rough. Using the By-Name List and Vi-SPDAT, I conduct consented surveys to understand their housing, support and health care needs. The data collected helped to coordinate support services, inform policy innovation, and create system change surrounding homelessness in the Illawarra.
Heather King - People & Culture Manager, St Vincent de Paul Society Tasmania
Phone: +61 475 082 483
Kira Wallace - Bright Light Mentoring Service Manager
Phone: +61 456 993 548
First Aid Certification - St John Ambulance Australia.
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
Issued: March 18th 2024
Change Your Impact - Tasmanian Council of Social Services (May - September 2024)
A diverse program for emerging leaders working within the community services industry. Designed to challenge thinking, promote strategic advocacy and hone leadership skills.
Throughout this program, I also received mentorship from a leader within the community services sector.
First Aid Certification - St John Ambulance Australia.
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
Issued: March 18th 2024
Change Your Impact - Tasmanian Council of Social Services (May - September 2024)
A diverse program for emerging leaders working within the community services industry. Designed to challenge thinking, promote strategic advocacy and hone leadership skills.
Throughout this program, I also received mentorship from a leader within the community services sector.