Having travelled extensively throughout my life, travel has always been and still is a huge passion of mine. Starting a family 16 years ago, my priority shifted from the travel industry and was focused on working hours and flexibility around my daughter, hence why I entered the Education Department. I am now at the stage in my life where I am ready to re enter the travel industry and continue my love and enthusiasm for Travel and Tourism. With background in airlines such as Singapore Airlines, Virgin and Tiger, airport duty experience, administration, leadership, organization and customer service my skills and experience are extensive. I'm highly motivated, a team player and I'm always thinking outside the box for creative solutions. I offer professional service, high standards of customer service along with empathy, active listening skills, positivity and most and foremost a bubbly and happy personality. I'm experienced in using a variety of software applications and more than happy to take on further learning and training within your organization. With an excellent work ethic, strength in boosting staff morale and a positive attitude and drive I am ready to further my career.
Mrs Tracey Whinnen
Singapore Airlines
(Since retired)
0408 610810
Mrs Lara Laface
Globetrotter Corporate Travel
Corporate Travel Manager
0423 483187
Mrs Janie Street
North Harrisdale Primary School
08 9397 8140