An enthusiastic graduate looking to explore opportunities around the world. I am currently pursuing Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30121) and looking forward for volunteer work to enhance my knowledge and skills in Early Childhood Education. I previously had one year of experience, working as customer service associate in a convenience store, where I have exhibited Patience, attentive communication skills and problem solving skills which are ideal for a career as Early childhood Educator. I am keen to expand my knowledge, skills and work towards being a good Early childhood Educator.
CHCECE056 Work effectively in children's education and care
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
CHCECE035 Support the holistic learning and development of children
CHCECE031 Support children's health, safety and wellbeing
CHCECE033 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
CHCECE034 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice
CHCECE038 Observe children to inform practice
CHCECE036 Provide experiences to support children's play and learning
CHCECE032 Nurture babies and toddlers
CHCECE055 Meet legal and ethical obligations in children's education and care
CHCECE037 Support children to connect with the natural environment
CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
CHCECE054 Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples' cultures
CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting