Work History
Faculty & Medical Program Committees & Groups
Awards, Grants & Scholarships
HDR & MD Project Supervision
Events: Professional Development (selected)
Additional Duties
External Consultancy
Current Projects
Research Publications

Sujani Kodagoda Gamage

Gold Coast,QLD


Experienced academic with 11 years of experience successfully contributing to medical curriculum development, coordination, delivery & evaluation. Through my research, I aim to make a significant contribution to the fields of cancer molecular pathology and medical education. My particular focus in medical education scholarship is curricular/program evaluation. I am passionate about delivering perfectly integrated & aligned curricula within the first years of medical school, which helps lay a robust foundation for clinical training.


years of professional experience

Work History

Assistant Professor in Clinical Skills

Health Sciences And Medicine, Bond University
2022.02 - Current
  • Substantial contribution to teaching, research and service in the Medical program and Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine.
  • Achieved outstanding student feedback (eTEVALs) for personal teaching 4.36/5.
  • Achieved "above expectations" standards for teaching, research and service roles in performance development review (PDR) 2023.

Lead/ Convenor Year 1 Clinical Practice

Health Sciences And Medicine, Bond University
2022.02 - Current

Responsible for effective delivery of Year 1 CP program, ranging from curriculum design, mapping/planning, delivery of individual sessions, student/ tutor/ simulated participant resource preparation, tutor recruitment & training, providing direct supervision for tutors and providing feedback and formative and summative assessments.

  • Accomplishment: Demonstrated overall improvement of Year 1 clinical practice student feedback- eTEVAl from 4.1/5 (2022) to an average of 4.6/5 (2023) & efficiency of learning from 80% (2022) to an average of 97% (2023).
  • Engaging with the Curriculum Lead and Chair of Medical Studies Operations Team to assist in strategic direction and operational oversight in learning and teaching and promote excellence in practice by developing and implementing program evaluation strategies and to report on and respond to feedback from stakeholders.
  • Working with the Head of Medical Studies, Assessment Lead and the Manager, Medical Program to manage the resources necessary to deliver the curriculum and assessments.

Dr John Kearney Fellow in Clinical Skills

Health Sciences And Medicine, Bond University
2022.02 - Current

A postgraduate research role focused in Medical Education. Main responsibilities include evaluation of clinical practice program, research capacity building and promotion of medical education scholarship among clinical colleagues new to research.

  • Project Lead: Evaluation of Medical Programs: A scoping Review- Under Peer review in Medical Education journal.
  • Project Lead: Designing a core clinical conditions and competency levels matrix for graduating Australian medical students- A modified Delphi-based consensus study- Ongoing.
  • Co- Lead/Chair- Wednesday Wisdom Community of Practice- Weekly gatherings aiming to enhance pedagogical practices, scholarship in learning & teaching among colleagues.
  • Co-Lead/Chair- Breakfast Club - Monthly skill building sessions among Health Professional Education community.
  • Project Collaborator- Medical Program evaluation report 2022
  • Project Collaborator- Pathology Review Dream Team 2022
  • Project Collaborator- Co-creation of an Undergraduate Ultrasound Curriculum to improve Anatomy and Clinical Practice competencies and learner engagement- Ongoing

Visiting Research Fellow

Medicine And Dentistry, Griffith University
2018.10 - Current

Role focused on Cancer molecular pathology research collaboration & HDR student supervision.

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine

University of Peradeniya
2017.01 - 2022.04
  • Delivered higher-level Medical undergraduate and post graduate Anatomy courses via classroom, online and hybrid methodologies to satisfy curricula standards and student needs.
  • Five years’ experience as a curriculum coordinator at Faculty of Medicine. Design, delivery and revision of 1st & 2nd year MBBS curriculum.
  • Engaged in department hiring processes of academic & professional staff to help build an effective Anatomy team.
  • Student Academic counsellor 2013-2018.
  • Experienced in carrying out responsibilities as Acting Head, Department of Anatomy.

Communication Skills & Clinical Skills Tutor

Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus
2021.06 - 2022.01
  • Communication skills workshop facilitation for year 1 and year 2 medical students
  • Formative and summative assessments of students
  • Educating and collaborating with simulated patients
  • Demonstration and teaching of clinical examination and procedural skills for year 1 and 2 medical students.
  • Formative and summative assessment of students
  • Examiner at OSCE examinations

PBL Facilitator

School of Medicine and Dentistry, Griffith University
2019.01 - 2022.01
  • Facilitation of PBL sessions for year 1 and 2 medical students
  • Exam marking for DKHI theme

Sessional tutor

Anatomy at School of Medicine, Griffith University
2018.10 - 2022.01
  • Teaching gross & clinical anatomy to Year 1 & 2 medical students via lectures & practical sessions
  • Guiding medical students in cadaveric dissections
  • Assisting in gross anatomy exam setting and exam markings
  • Formulating online formative assessment tool for gross anatomy and histology for first- and second-year medical students.

Visiting Lecturer

Faculty of Allied Health Science, University of Peradeniya
2012.01 - 2018.10
  • Preparation and conduction of gross anatomy and physiology lectures for nursing, physiotherapy, medical laboratory technician, radiography students
  • Preparation and conduction of gross anatomy dissection classes, lab demonstrations and histology practical classes
  • Anatomy and Physiology MCQ and SAQ question preparation for examinations, conduction of examinations and paper marking.

Locum General Practitioner

2012.01 - 2018.01
  • Clinical assessment, diagnosis and management of adult and paediatric patients with respiratory tract infections and febrile illnesses, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, chronic wounds, urinary tract infections, uncomplicated pregnancies etc
  • Ordering appropriate investigations
  • Prescribing treatment
  • Referring to specialized treatment if indicated.

Medical officer

Anaesthesia/ICU, Hospital
2011.01 - 2012.01
  • Performing spinal, general and local anaesthesia on surgical patients
  • Pre-op and post-op assessment of patients
  • Management of patients in Intensive care units.

Intern medical officer

Colombo North Teaching Hospital
2010.01 - 2011.01
  • Thorough medical and surgical training
  • Full time care of patients in wards, preliminary care unit and clinics
  • Full time 24-hour on call duty.


Ph.D. - Cancer Molecular Pathology

School of Medicine, Griffith University
Gold Coast, QLD

Associate Fellowship - Higher Education/ Curricular Development

Higher Education Academy
United Kingdom

MPhil - Medicine

University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka

MBBS (honours) - Medicine

University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka


  • Designing, implementation & delivery of Year 1 & 2 medical curriculum.
  • Medical curricular evaluation/ review
  • Strategic & operational leadership in Year 1 & 2 Foundational Sciences & Clinical Practice curricular mapping & delivery
  • Ground level teaching expertise in Year 1 & 2 Foundational Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology) & Clinical Practice
  • Leading & collaborating learning & teaching research/ scholarship activities
  • Research expertise in Cancer molecular pathology & medical education
  • Medical Doctor with 11 years’ experience in Surgery, Medicine, Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Paediatrics and Anaesthesia.
  • Courteous and an effective communicator, collaborator & a leader with fruitful academic relationships


  • Higher Education Academy- UK- Associate Fellow
  • Griffith Learning and Teaching Academy (GLTA)
  • Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC)
  • Menzies Health Institute Queensland- Research Fellow
  • International federation of association of Anatomists (IFAA)
  • Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA)
  • Anatomical Society of Sri Lanka (ASSL)
  • Kandy Society of Medicine (KSM) Peradeniya University Teachers’ Association Peradeniya Faculty of Medicine
  • Griffith Post Graduate Student Alumni Association

Faculty & Medical Program Committees & Groups

  • Medical Program accreditation Committee- Co-lead- Standard 6 (Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement)
  • Medical Program Expansion working group
  • HSM- Medical Studies Operations Team (MSOT)
  • Medical Education, Learning & Teaching Committee (MELT)
  • Board of Examiners (Phase 1)
  • MD OSCE working group
  • Health Professional Education Research Group
  • Clinical Practice Domain Team
  • Year 1 & 2 Coordination group
  • Simulated Participant Reference Group

Awards, Grants & Scholarships

  • Dr John Kearney Fellowship in Clinical Practice 2022
  • Associate Fellowship in Higher Education Academy, UK 2021
  • Early Career Research Grant- Bond University, Australia 2023- AUD 10000
  • John Kearney Research & Equipment Grant 2022- AUD 34000
  • Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship 2018
  • Griffith University Post Graduate Research Scholarship 2018
  • President’s award for Scientific publication 2018- National Research Council, Sri Lanka
  • Faculty of Medicine Peradeniya Research Publication Award 2018
  • UGC Research Grant for University Teachers in 2014- SLR 1.6 million

HDR & MD Project Supervision

PhD Co supervision- Gihani Vidanapathirana, Topic..................................., School of Medicine & Dentistry, Griffith University, 2024

Honours Project Co supervision-  Marike Van de Merwe, HFE gene expressions & polymorphisms in gastric cancers, School of Medicine & Dentistry, Griffith University, 2020

Honours Project Co supervision- Lilian Macfarlane, Potential contribution of Heme Oxygenase 1 & 2 in heme induced colorectal carcinogenesis, School of Medicine & Dentistry, Griffith University, 2019

Honours projects submitted (2024)-  Identifying redox molecular contributors in colorectal cancer pathogenesis;  Developing an Undergraduate Ultrasound Curriculum to improve Anatomy competencies and learner engagement in Medicine. 

Bond Co-supervisor of 6 MD projects (2022-2023)

Events: Professional Development (selected)

Organised & Chaired 

  • LGBTQIA+ Allyship in Health Professional Education - Dr Armin Arianana, School of Medicine & Dentistry (21.09.2022)
  • Parents Impact on Career Trajectories - Dr Elizabeth Knight, Centre for International Research on Education Systems Mitchell Institute, Victoria University (02.11.2022)
  • Deliberate Clinical Inertia and Metacognition in Clinical Teaching/ decision making - Prof. Paul Glasziou, Director-IEBH (10.08.2022)


  • Bond University HSM Medical & Postgraduate Students Research Conference (Chair 2023)
  • Respect, Now, Always (2022-2024)
  • Interprofessional Education Healthcare Simulation Escape Room (2022-2024)

Additional Duties

Learning Coach for MD students (2023)

MD OSCE examiner (2022-2024)

Medical Program Students Admission - Multiple Mini-Interviews (ongoing)

External Consultancy


  • WHO Report: Mina Bakhit, Sujani Gamage, Tiffany Atkins, Paul Glasziou, Tammy Hoffmann, Mark Jones, Sharon Sanders. Clinical prediction rules for the detection of group A Beta-haemolytic streptococci in people with sore throat 2022 - In review
  • Government of PNG- University Teacher Training Program- Sujani Gamage, Kasuni Akalanka, Kalana Maduwage (2023)- Ongoing


  • Report: Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine - Janie Smith, Matthew Links, Sujani Gamage. Developing an Evaluation Framework for the Bond Medical Program (2022)- Finalised

Current Projects

  • Sujani Gamage (Principle Investigator), Tanisha Jowsey, Jo Bishop, Melanie Forbes, Lucy Grant, Patricia Green, Helen Houghton, Sacha Kennedy, Matthew Links, Mark Morgan, Joan Roehl, Jessica Stokes-Parish. Six Pillars for Comprehensive Medical Program Evaluation: A Scoping Review (Manuscript under peer review- Medical Education Journal)
  • Mina Bakhit, Sujani Gamage, Tiffany Atkins, Paul Glasziou, Tammy Hoffmann, Mark Jones, Sharon Sanders. Diagnostic Performance of Clinical Prediction Rules to Detect Group A Beta-haemolytic Streptococci in People with a Sore Throat: a systematic review (Manuscript in Peer Review- Public Health Journal)
  • Sujani Gamage (Principal investigator), Melanie Forbes, Mina Bakhit, Lucy Grant, Patricia Green, Nicolene Lottering, Susan Yeo, Sacha Kennedy, Jessica Stokes-Parrish, Jo Bishop, Cindy Jones, Tanisha Jowsey. Designing a core clinical conditions and competency levels matrix for graduating Australian medical students- A modified Delphi-based consensus study. (Ongoing)
  • Nicolene Lottering, Sujani Gamage. Developing an Undergraduate Ultrasound Curriculum to improve Anatomy competencies and learner engagement in Medicine. (Ongoing)

Research Publications

Book Chapters


Assistant Professor in Clinical Skills

Health Sciences And Medicine, Bond University
2022.02 - Current

Lead/ Convenor Year 1 Clinical Practice

Health Sciences And Medicine, Bond University
2022.02 - Current

Dr John Kearney Fellow in Clinical Skills

Health Sciences And Medicine, Bond University
2022.02 - Current

Communication Skills & Clinical Skills Tutor

Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus
2021.06 - 2022.01

PBL Facilitator

School of Medicine and Dentistry, Griffith University
2019.01 - 2022.01

Visiting Research Fellow

Medicine And Dentistry, Griffith University
2018.10 - Current

Sessional tutor

Anatomy at School of Medicine, Griffith University
2018.10 - 2022.01

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine

University of Peradeniya
2017.01 - 2022.04

Visiting Lecturer

Faculty of Allied Health Science, University of Peradeniya
2012.01 - 2018.10

Locum General Practitioner

2012.01 - 2018.01

Medical officer

Anaesthesia/ICU, Hospital
2011.01 - 2012.01

Intern medical officer

Colombo North Teaching Hospital
2010.01 - 2011.01

Ph.D. - Cancer Molecular Pathology

School of Medicine, Griffith University

Associate Fellowship - Higher Education/ Curricular Development

Higher Education Academy

MPhil - Medicine

University of Peradeniya

MBBS (honours) - Medicine

University of Peradeniya
Sujani Kodagoda Gamage