I'm Dedicated and knowledgeable Clinical Nurse consultant practicing in a Rural Referral Hospital with over 30 year experience in various fields and have a passion for translation research. I am an early researcher who would like to further my formalise my educational qualifications in research with an aim to participate in targeted research roles in the future.
Published Research.
Bolte, M., Knapman, B., Leibenson, L., Ball, J., & Giles, M. (2020). Reducing surgical site infections post-caesarean section in an Australian hospital using a bundled care approach. Infection,Disease and Health
Ma, C., Pettit, C., Giles, M., Ohr, S. O., & Bolte, M. (2022). Rural Hospital bed management practices during influenza season. Rural and Remote Health.
Ohr, S. O., Giles, M., Munnoch, S., Hunter, M., Bolte, M., Ferguson, J., . . . Foureur, M. (2021). What gets measured get notived.Tracking surgocal site infection post caesarean section through community surviellance: A post intervention study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing.