Skilled cleaning and team bringing years of experience in North Lake Senior Campus in all building areas. Proficient in operating equipment, handling chemicals and restocking supplies.
I know this school from my daughter , we came to Australia for holiday same time of Covid-19 and the last day and last flight then the country shut! .we can't return back to Thailand ,then we decide to live long term in Australia ,I start to find school for my daughter here then I found this school not far from our place living just about 5 Minute drive, now my daughter finish year 12 from North Lake Senior Campus for a year , I'm just housekeeper on that moment , till one day my daughter back from school and told me the school need cleaner , I'm not wait of my time ,I was walk in to school and tell that I looking for the job, after work there for a while I never think to move and work in another school I feel this is the school I would love to work for long term ,I'm so happy working in North Lake , peoples here and students there are nice and many of students from my country too,I would like to say thank you again that to let me in and gave my daughter studies in the hard time with Covid-19,
I'm working in North Lake about one year ,I know all area how is work ,I don't have any problems with any work mate ,any things if I can help I away ask and do for,whenever we have to do the team work I and the term we don job very well and we had good times that moment to work together, I'm a variable and kind, thank you for your times here .
.Work maid at North Lake Senior campus
.Address: 32 Berrigan Drive South Lake wa 6164
I had run flower shop more than 10 years in Thailand before I move to Australia, I 'm still enjoy and love to do for my hobby work ,is so wonderful when peoples got my flowers with my arrangement and they so happy and love what I do , like to help and sharing my organize flowers if that I can do and so happy to see peoples love my arrangement flowers ideas and I wish one day I can show you my arrangement flower by Kan-ya.