Work History

Paul Hickey



Accomplished Social Work Leader with a proven track record at Metro South Health Service District, showcasing expertise in therapy leadership and professional governance. Skilled in cross-disciplinary cooperation with advanced clinical and supervision skills. I have significant skills in project management and implementation science which have contributed to improved mental health services provision.


years of professional experience

Work History

Social Work Leader

Metro South Health Service District
01.2003 - Current
  • Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service, Princess Alexandra Hospital Campus.
  • Professional responsibility for 38 staff members, comprising 34 full-time equivalents (FTE).
  • These staff members are social workers in HP 3, HP 4, and HP 5 classifications.
  • Professionally manage staff across multiple sites within a range of specialist teams, including Continuing Care, Mobile Intensive Treatment Team, Older Persons' Mental Health, Acute Care, Addictions, Transcultural Mental Health, Deafness and Mental Health Service, Inpatient Services and Community Care Unit.
  • This position involves managing all aspects of social work provision within the Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service, Princess Alexandra Hospital Campus, in conjunction with operational managers. This position has responsibility for all aspects of social work professional practice, including the provision of practice supervision, the supervision of practice supervision, extending the social work scope of practice, and ensuring social work staff comply with AASW Mental Health Practice Standards, the Code of Ethics, and all Queensland Health standards concerning ethical and professional behavior.
  • This position also delivers program-specific initiatives, such as resource development, workshop facilitation, and evaluation, in conjunction with other staff in Single Session Therapy, Single Session Family Consultation, and the utilization of Outcome Stars.

Adjunct Lecturer

The University of Queensland
04.2017 - 04.2020
  • Company Overview: School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
  • School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

Deputy Director of Allied Health

Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service
06.2018 - 05.2019
  • This role provided allied health and therapies leadership within Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Services. It provided strategic leadership, including family therapies, the establishment of brief allied health therapy clinics, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and physical health. Additionally, this role provides operational supervision to allied health leaders across multiple disciplines, and undertakes operational tasks as required.

Allied Health Professional Practice Leader (Social Work)

Mental Health Workforce Unit
03.2011 - 10.2011
  • This position provides statewide social work leadership and support for staff working within Queensland Health, Addiction, and Mental Health Services.
  • The position involved leading and developing allied health, addiction, and mental health workforce initiatives within the South Queensland Mental Health Clinical Cluster.
  • To facilitate this, I implemented social work and allied health-specific initiatives, developed strategic links within the tertiary and educational sectors, facilitated the provision of supervision and supervision training, ensured the appropriate utilization of resources, and networked across social work in mental health.

Course Coordinator, Mental Health Elective

The University of Queensland
01.2006 - 01.2010
  • University of Queensland School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Social Work.
  • This position involves designing, implementing, delivering, and evaluating the mental health elective delivered to third and fourth-year undergraduate social work students at the University of Queensland.
  • I formed this position after presenting a proposal to the University of Queensland, School of Social Work, and facilitating a formal partnership between the University of Queensland and Metro South Health Service District, Facility of Mental Health.
  • This course was taught in conjunction with a second presenter from Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service.

Program Manager

Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning
01.2006 - 01.2007
  • My role as the Program Manager for the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning entailed initiating, developing, delivering, and evaluating clinical mental health education programs across Queensland for the whole of government and NGO sector.
  • This included strategic leadership and operational management of education staff in the development of educational materials and workshop facilitation, developing and delivering educational material on mental state examination, suicide risk assessment, documentation training, and adult learning principles.

Rehabilitation Program Co-ordinator (High Security)

The Park Centre For Mental Health
01.2001 - 01.2003
  • This position involved providing operational management and strategic leadership to a multidisciplinary team in the provision of rehabilitation services to high-security forensic clients in an inpatient setting.
  • Tasks related to this position include the recruitment and selection of staff, staff supervision and training, constructing rosters, program timetabling and task allocation, research, service evaluation and improvement, program development and delivery, obtaining funding, stock maintenance, service development, clinical work, and administrative processes.
  • This position has also necessitated acting in the Rehabilitation Service Coordinator position as required, with operational responsibility for three rehabilitation teams.

Social Worker

Elmbridge Community Mental Health Team
, England
01.2000 - 04.2000
  • This four-month locum position delivers social work services in a community setting.

Forensic Community Mental Health Social Worker

Earls Court Community Mental Health
, England
01.2000 - 03.2000
  • Company Overview: (England)
  • This three-month locum as a social worker specializing in community-based forensic clients in inner London.

Senior Project Manager

Wolston Park Hospital
01.1999 - 04.1999
  • This was a four-month Senior Project Officer position developing a hospital-wide rehabilitation service for a tertiary mental health facility catering to 150 clients.
  • These clients range from those with an intellectual and psychiatric disability to forensic clients within a high-security facility
  • This position involved the recruitment and selection of staff, supervision of staff, policy development, the development of a conceptual model for rehabilitation, stakeholder liaison, change management processes, liaison with other service providers, and project management skills.

Social Worker

Secure Care Services
01.1997 - 01.1999
  • Company Overview: Wolston Park Hospital.
  • I was the acting Senior Social Worker for six months within Secure Care Services.
  • This involved the professional supervision of social work staff, the administration of social work services, and involvement in the management of secure care services.
  • As a Social Worker, I offered clinical Social Work services to a client group of people with psychiatric illnesses who committed criminal offences.
  • My position involved working with clients individually and in groups, offering family therapy, education programs, and taking an active role in discharge planning.
  • My role also included policy development and service development activities.
  • In the position, I supervised several social work students, both internal and external to the organization, as required.

Social Worker

Wolston Park Hospital
01.1996 - 12.1996
  • I was employed as a Social Worker within the rehabilitation section of Wolston Park Hospital
  • I had responsibility for providing clinical social work services to two rehabilitation units
  • One unit contained severely disabled people with head injuries and organic brain damage
  • The second unit had a client population with long-term psychiatric disabilities who were re-entering the community after hospitalisation
  • This position required skills in rehabilitation with people with either a psychiatric disability or brain damage, and the development, implementation and evaluation of socialisation programs, teaching problem solving, linking people with community resources, family work, advocacy, counselling and working within a multidisciplinary team

Social Work Student

Stones Corner Integrated Mental Health
01.1995 - 05.1995
  • I completed an 18-week placement as a student social worker.
  • This required skills in providing social work services within a community setting, involving case management, crisis intervention, advocacy, and family work with people with a serious mental illness..

Social Work Student and Drug and Alcohol Counsellor

Alcohol and Drug Information Service
01.1994 - 01.1995
  • After completing an 18 week Social Work student placement with this agency I was employed casually as a counsellor.
  • This involved taking crisis calls, making assessments, developing appropriate interventions, maintaining knowledge of community resources, and working as part of a team.


PhD - Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

University of Queensland

Graduate Certificate in Management -

Queensland University of Technology

Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) -

University of Queensland

Certificate in Addiction studies -

Curtain University of Technology

Diploma in Parks and Recreation Management -

Lincoln University
New Zealand


  • Advanced Clinical Skills
  • Expertise in Therapy Leadership
  • Advanced project management and implementation skills
  • Expertise in Professional Governance
  • In-depth Understanding of Clinical Governance Procedures
  • Expertise in Supervision
  • Skilled in Cross-Disciplinary Cooperation
  • Strong research skills
  • Expertise in Evaluating Programs


  • MSAMHS Standard 5 Planning and Delivery of Care Committee, 2020 - 2024
  • MSAMHS Standard 2 Partnering with Consumers Advisory Group 2020 2020 - 2024
  • Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Social Work Advisory Group, 2010 - 2024
  • Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Southern Clinical Cluster Social Work Community of Practice 2023- 2024
  • Allied Health representative on the South Queensland Mental Health Clinical Cluster, 2011
  • Social Work and Welfare Clinical Education and Training Advisory Group, 2011
  • Allied Health Mental Health Steering Committee, 2011
  • Mental Health Scholarship Expert Reference Group, 2011
  • Queensland Health Directors of Social Work Meeting, 2011
  • Deputy Chair of the Metro South Health Service District, Facility of Mental Health Learning and Development Network, 2009 - 2011


Deputy Director of Allied Health

Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service
06.2018 - 05.2019

Adjunct Lecturer

The University of Queensland
04.2017 - 04.2020

Allied Health Professional Practice Leader (Social Work)

Mental Health Workforce Unit
03.2011 - 10.2011

Course Coordinator, Mental Health Elective

The University of Queensland
01.2006 - 01.2010

Program Manager

Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning
01.2006 - 01.2007

Social Work Leader

Metro South Health Service District
01.2003 - Current

Rehabilitation Program Co-ordinator (High Security)

The Park Centre For Mental Health
01.2001 - 01.2003

Social Worker

Elmbridge Community Mental Health Team
01.2000 - 04.2000

Forensic Community Mental Health Social Worker

Earls Court Community Mental Health
01.2000 - 03.2000

Senior Project Manager

Wolston Park Hospital
01.1999 - 04.1999

Social Worker

Secure Care Services
01.1997 - 01.1999

Social Worker

Wolston Park Hospital
01.1996 - 12.1996

Social Work Student

Stones Corner Integrated Mental Health
01.1995 - 05.1995

Social Work Student and Drug and Alcohol Counsellor

Alcohol and Drug Information Service
01.1994 - 01.1995

PhD - Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

University of Queensland

Graduate Certificate in Management -

Queensland University of Technology

Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) -

University of Queensland

Certificate in Addiction studies -

Curtain University of Technology

Diploma in Parks and Recreation Management -

Lincoln University
Paul Hickey