I am highly motivated with a strong work ethic. I enjoy working within a team environment as well as working on my own. I pay close attention to detail. I'm a strong team leader as proven in my past employment roles. I have gained skills that will enable me to fit well into many different employment positions with a willingness to learn and develop into a new career.
I was employed with the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority as a Trades Assistant for 3 years prior to qualifying as a Powerline Worker in 1988. As a Trades Assistant, I worked along side Electrical Technicians working in power stations and electrical switching yards, completing scheduled maintenance and repairs.
As a Powerline Worker, I was responsible for improving and maintaining poles and wires that deliver electricity to our customers. Easement management was also part of my role ensuring trees remain clear of overhead powerlines.
Mathew Rogers - Essential Energy
Operation Manager Murray
0427 214 491
Gavin Hicks - Essential Energy
Senior Resource Supervisor
0428 499 443
Barry Roe
Personal Reference
0409 249 083
Geoff Oliver
Personal Reference
0473 346 394